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  • The #1 Social Media Marketing Course

    Welcome to our top-rated Social Media Marketing course! If you landed on this page via Google search, no worries, you can join our Social Media Marketing Mastery course included in our course bundle! What is Social Media Marketing? Social media marketing is the process of using social media platforms to promote a product, service, or brand. It involves creating and sharing content on social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube, and more to engage with your target audience, build brand awareness, and increase sales. The main objective of social media marketing is to create and distribute high-quality content that is relevant and useful to your audience. This content can be in the form of text, images, videos, or a combination of these. Additionally, social media marketing involves engaging with your audience by responding to comments, sharing user-generated content, and actively participating in conversations. Social media marketing also involves using paid advertising to target specific audiences, increase visibility, and promote your products or services. Social media advertising can be highly targeted, allowing you to reach the right audience with your marketing messages. Overall, social media marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes to connect with their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive sales. Make sure to check out our favorite free digital marketing certification and social media marketing certification offered by HubSpot! Why is Social Media Marketing Important for your Business? Social media marketing has become an essential part of any modern marketing strategy. Here are some reasons why: Large Audience Reach: Social media platforms have billions of active users, and therefore, provide a massive potential audience for your brand or business. This means that you can reach a wide range of people with your marketing messages. Cost-effective: Compared to traditional marketing methods such as TV ads or print ads, social media marketing can be relatively inexpensive. This is especially true for small businesses that may not have a large marketing budget. Better targeting: Social media platforms allow you to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This enables you to reach people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services. Increased brand awareness: Social media marketing can help you build your brand's visibility and credibility. By regularly posting high-quality content and engaging with your audience, you can increase your brand's recognition and reputation. Improved customer engagement: Social media provides a platform for two-way communication between your brand and your audience. This means that you can engage with your customers in real-time, answer their questions, and address their concerns. Social media marketing can help you build brand awareness, generate leads, drive traffic to your website, and ultimately increase sales. How to Grow and Scale a Small Business With Social Media Here are some tips for growing and scaling a small business with social media: Define your target audience: Before you start using social media to grow your business, you need to define your target audience. This will help you create content that resonates with them and engage with them effectively. Create a content strategy: Develop a content strategy that aligns with your business goals and target audience. This should include the type of content you will create, the frequency of posts, and the platforms you will use. Optimize your profiles: Make sure your social media profiles are fully optimized with your business information, including your logo, description, and contact information. Engage with your audience: Engage with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and reviews. This shows that you value their input and builds trust in your brand. Utilize paid advertising: Use paid social media advertising to reach a wider audience and target specific demographics. You can run ads on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Track your performance: Monitor your social media performance using analytics tools to measure your progress and adjust your strategy accordingly. Collaborate with influencers: Collaborate with influencers or brand advocates who can help promote your products or services to their audience. Experiment with new formats: Keep up with the latest social media trends and experiment with new formats such as video, stories, or reels to keep your audience engaged. By implementing these strategies, you can use social media to grow and scale your small business, reach new customers, and increase sales. DO IT YOURSELF Learn about everything from Social Media Marketing, to eCommerce, to growing businesses, to digital marketing ads, and more in our top-rated online courses! Here is the link for our latest Udemy coupon codes and free online courses: DONE FOR YOU Seeking a "Done For You Marketing" solution? Click this URL and submit the contact form to speak with our marketing agency team:


    IFTTT – If This, Then That – AUTOMATION 101 helps you do more with the services you love. Connect Amazon Alexa, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Fitbit, Slack, Skype, and hundreds more. If This Then That puts the internet to work for you! If This, Then That creates simple connections between the services you use every day. With IFTTT you are able to create Applets that trigger a chain of reactions when you link your accounts on! For example, say you post an image to Instagram. With IFTTT you can use an applet that triggers any Instagram photo to be posted to your WordPress blog, Twitter & more! Learn IFTTT from A-Z with their “Getting Started” guide: And check out my favorite IFTTT Applets for clients below. I love to use Instagram as my “LAUNCHING” point that pairs with IFTTT to post my great Instagram content to ALL of my social media accounts! My Favorite IFTTT Applets Twitter: Facebook Page: Pinterest: Continue Learning If you want access to all of our courses, join our course bundle at

  • How to Create a Viral Video

    Are you taking advantage of videos yet on social media? Facebook and Instagram engagement rates are through the roof on video versus everything else (images and/or text only). So NOW is the time to begin creating videos the CORRECT way so they have the best chance to go viral! We have put together this VIRAL VIDEO GROWTH HACK guide just for our Coursenvy followers so you too can learn how to create a viral video! Viral videos have a repeatable formula that not many people understand, nor follow and it really comes down to just a few simple steps. Let me show you an example: Viral Video Example At the time of creating this post, one of my favorite viral video examples is Beat Pain With Progress by Jonathan Jacques (with over 30 million views): #1 Viral Video Growth Hack – The Thumbnail Look at this videos thumbnail (the still image uploaded for the video preview). That is an AMAZING thumbnail that will INSTANTLY stop a user scrolling through their feed! Your goal is to find the most engaging freeze frame from the video, screenshot it and then use it to create your thumbnail image file. So after years of split testing and millions in ad spend, my best-performing thumbnails for videos always come back to TWO key factors. Images that are a freeze frame of ACTION and that PIQUE CURIOSITY. This example above does both. The video creator has a needle in the frame and is squinting prepping for the balloon to pop. This is the perfect ACTION shot capture! As for PIQUING CURIOSITY, the image does help with this too, but it is the thumbnail black bar text above and below the video that will really help you do this! Simply use your video editor to place your high def video in the center of a black square frame (just Google your “video editor software name + format square video”). Typically we film videos in 1080p, so I will create a 1080×1080 pixel black box, drag the video to the exact center of the black box, then use the remaining black bar area on the top and bottom of the video to add this CURIOSITY text/headline. As for this examples text, it’s perfect! “MAGICIAN REVEALS SECRET TO OVERCOMING PAIN”… umm, yes please! I want to know how to overcome pain… CLICK! Make the users “click” a no brainer/must do decision! BONUS TIP – While editing your video, add captions to your video in real time. A high percentage of users watch social media videos muted, so enabling the user to read along as the video plays on mute is crucial to increased engagement. Again, in your video editor add a text box over the bottom of your video and update/add captions as the video plays. I like to use a bold white font, with a black drop shadow on the text so it can be read over any video colors playing under it. #2 Viral Video Growth Hack – The Appeal/Hook For a video to go viral, you need MILLIONS of people interested in watching it. So for this reason, you need to create a video on a topic that APPEALS to a wide range of people (i.e. over 30 million like this video example!) Look at this curiosity piquing video text/headline: “MAGICIAN REVEALS SECRET TO OVERCOMING PAIN”. Everyone has pain to overcome, so this will be appealing to a large amount of people! So once you have a topic that many people can relate to, an ACTION image, and a CURIOSITY PIQUING black bar text/headline… now is time for the video itself. The HOOK or first 3-5 seconds is very important. Don’t waste this time stating something obvious or stating something the viewer won’t care about (e.g. “Hi, my name is Mr. Youdontcare!”) Again, look at this video example… “Have you ever experienced pain?” is the first line… again, uhhh YES! This video is APPEALING to and HOOKING the entire world… talk about a broad audience! This is your goal. Hook them with a statement or question in the first few seconds of the video. #3 Viral Video Growth Hack – The CTA He ASKS/TELLS the viewer exactly what he wants them to do. SHARE to help someone you know overcome pain and LIKE my page for more! These are Call-to-Actions at their finest! SPECIAL BONUS: #4 Viral Video Growth Hack – The Distribution Now if you don’t have the money to spend to start paying to promote your video, then you need to learn the DISTRIBUTION HACKS that I learned directly from the OWNER of this viral video we have been discussing… YES… THAT’S RIGHT! I recently met Viral Expert, Jonathan Jacques, and asked him all about how he has made multiple videos go viral. My favorite reply was his answer to this question: “How does having millions of views impact your life and your business?” Are you ready for his answer? He told me, “It changed EVERYTHING! When you put out content on social media (and know how to get it seen by millions of people), you NEVER KNOW who might be watching! Because of social media alone, I’ve been presented with opportunities that I never imagined possible.” Believe me, he’s not kidding!! Jon has been able to predictably drive over 100 Million views to his videos (in a 10 month span)! Because of this massive exposure… 📷 Ellen DeGeneres signed him to a video series as a part of her show. 🌴 Travel companies offer him first-class trips for FREE! 💵 His income multiplied 10-fold. 🌟 Warner Brothers even asked him to tour the country with Sylvester Stallone to promote the CREED movies! So in short, no matter what your product, service, or message is… it’s proven that getting it out to the masses can skyrocket your success! In his best-selling course, Viral Secrets, Jon breaks down how he got over 30 Million views – without spending $1 on ads! YES… 100% organic traffic! Viral Secrets is a 4-hour video course, that includes his Top 100 Viral Headlines Guide. It reveals the little-known secrets to making your content viral! The craziest part… Jon reserved 450 spots for my community – once they’re gone, that’s it! If you want to learn how to go viral and get your message out to millions, click below to pick up Viral Secrets (limited to the first 450 people): Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Coursenvy courses at: Learn the art of video marketing with these videos, templates, tips, and resources. Download the Ultimate Guide to Video Marketing

  • Best Facebook Ad Examples

    Creating Facebook ad copy that converts is no easy task… that is why we wanted to supply you with the BEST Facebook ad copy examples we could find! Before we get to our list of ad copy examples, I wanted to cover some principles and best practices of Facebook ad copy creation. And remember, if you want access to our Facebook Mastery course and all of our courses, join our course bundle at Facebook Ad Copy Best Practices Now I want to cover ALL my best practices for copywriting I use for my clients daily! Remember what Facebook is… it is a SOCIAL NETWORK. People don’t want to be bombarded with ads selling them STUFF! The More Facebook Targeting You Use… The More Narrow Your Audience… The More You Can Speak DIRECTLY To Them! Let that soak in… Think about it, say your target market it recently engaged couples, WE CAN TARGET THAT AUDIENCE AND SPEAK DIRECTLY TO THEM! At the AD SET level of your Facebook ad, under DETAILED TARGETING, type in “engaged” then select the “recently engaged” relationship status option. Once on the AD level and you are creating your ads text and headline, SPEAK DIRECTLY TO THEM! State what you know about them! EXAMPLE: “Congrats on getting engaged!” What is your niche? No matter what it is, you can market directly to your end customer with Facebook ads! Yes, they may be creeped out for a second that you know they are engaged, but they will quickly get over it once they see the amazing products/services that you are marketing to them! If your product/service is a true solution to their problem (i.e. honeymoon ideas, local wedding reception options, wedding bands, etc.) this highly targeted user should be more receptive to your ad. Rather than ONE generic ad to an audience, create many small HIGHLY targeted ads speaking DIRECTLY to each customer. For example, targeting women on Instagram… “Hey girl, I know your IG feed can be flooded with ads, but we think our XYZ is worth a second look!” Split Test Split Test Split Test! Did I mention split test?! Once you have the most engaging video or highest clicked image determined, it is time to split test your ad copy! Too many of my students just split test the visual, then call it a day. NO NO NO! Your Facebook ad text and headline is SO important and well worth a few days of split testing! Give Only ONE CTA (Call-To-Action) So many of my students want so many things from their audience… sign up for my newsletter, like this, buy my XYZ… it is exhausting your customers! In each ad copy you write, be clear on the SINGLE call-to-action you want! It can be as simple as a request for engagement, such as “Comment your favorite color below”, to as specific as “Use the coupon code COURSENVY50 for 50% off today only at“ BONUS TIP – If you’re selling a product/service… be upfront about the costs! Think about it… you can save on the costs per click if you let them know right in your ad copy that you XYZ costs $XX. Keep it Short n’ Sweet People’s attention spans are getting smaller and smaller! Don’t blab on and on with your ad copy! Get to the point and use simple language while doing it. What are you selling? What potential value are you bringing this user? What problem does your product solve for this user? What is your call to action? Cover these points in a clear and concise manner… and you will be ahead of most of the Facebook ad copy out there! The Best Facebook Ad Examples Now is the time! We scraped the internet for you to present you with only the 8 BEST Facebook Ad examples and resources we could find… here they are: OVER 100,000 Facebook Ad Copy Examples From Every Industry: 47 Facebook Ad Examples That You Can Swipe for Your Business: 12 Facebook Ad Examples You Wish You Made: 7 Awesome Facebook Ad Examples (And Why They Work): 32 Facebook Ad Examples You Can’t Resist But Copy: 5 Top Facebook Ad Campaigns To Boost Your Results: 15 Examples of the Best Facebook Ads to Help You Stand Out From the Crowd: 15 of the Best Facebook Ad Examples That Actually Work (And Why): Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Facebook Ads and online marketing courses at: Join our FREE Facebook Marketing Course: How to Develop Effective Organic and Paid Strategies

  • Custom Conversions - URL Contains OR URL Equals?

    When creating Custom Conversions or Custom Audiences on Facebook, you are presented with several options for the URL field. When your website events meet a specific URL criteria, that will equate a “CONVERSION”. That URL criteria is set via three options: URL contains URL doesn’t contain URL equals What are Custom Conversions? Custom Conversions let you track/optimize your Facebook ads for All URL Traffic (determined by using PageView standard events, which is your Facebook pixel base code) and Custom Events. By creating a Custom Conversion and choosing a Standard Event category similar to the action/conversion you want to track/optimize for, Facebook will show your ads (Conversion campaigns using this Custom Conversion) to people most likely to perform that event (i.e. a Purchase Standard Event). I look at Custom Conversions as a way to add Standard Events without adding additional code to my website. All I need for Custom Conversions is the BASE PIXEL CODE installed (with the default PageView event). EXAMPLE CUSTOM CONVERSION: Let’s create a Custom Conversion similar to setting up a Purchase standard event. Select All URL Traffic as the Website Event Set the URL rule for the purchase completion page of your website, such as: URL contains /thankyou.php Best Practices for Custom Conversion Setup: Custom Conversions URL Criteria URL contains: the actual URL contains the following URL doesn’t contain: the actual URL does not contain the following URL equals: the actual URL is an exact match of the following EXAMPLE: URL contains: coursenvy-thank-you OR URL equals: (you don’t need http:// or https://) Note that you wouldn’t include both as rules… it is one OR the other when creating Custom Conversions. URL contains is typically used for category matching, such as setting the URL contains for the word used as a category in the URL, like So a URL contains option on a shoe ecommerce website would be the brand “nike”. This will create a conversion for every user that goes to a URL that includes the word “nike”. Sometimes tracking/dynamically generated URLs cause errors in the “URL equals” Custom Conversions, so I most often use the “URL contains” option for our clients. This works perfect for tracking conversions of people who landed on a specific website, but the site may have a long UTM tracking on it, for example: A “URL equals” of “” may not have tracked with the URL example above. But a “URL contains” of “thanks” would have tracked a conversion from the above URL. Other Ways to Use Custom Conversions: Continue Learning

  • How to Make Money with ChatGPT + Top 8 AI Business Ideas

    Searching for how to make money with ChatGPT? You've come to the right place! In this blog post, we dive into all the ways you can make money with ChatGPT! Step #1, sign up for a FREE ChatGPT account at At, click the ChatGPT login button and familiarize yourself with the ChatGPT user interface: How to Use ChatGPT 100 million people use ChatGPT. Here is a mega Twitter thread to get you up to speed: Once you login to your ChatGPT account, type in your first ChatGPT prompt. This can be anything from "write a blog post on XYZ topic" to "create a marketing plan for my XYZ business". Watch this video to learn How To Use Chat GPT by Open AI For Beginners: So let's test out ChatGPT. I typed in the prompt: "How to Use Chat GPT For Beginners" and it output the following text: Welcome to using Chat GPT for beginners! As a language model, I am here to help you with any questions or queries you may have. Here are a few tips on how to use me effectively: Ask specific questions: The more specific your question is, the easier it is for me to understand what you're looking for and provide a relevant response. Try to avoid vague or general questions, as they may not yield helpful results. Use natural language: You can communicate with me using natural language, just like you would with a human. Don't worry about using technical terms or jargon - I can understand a wide range of words and phrases. Be patient: I process your questions and generate a response in real-time, but complex questions may take a little longer to answer. Please be patient while I generate a response for you. Check for understanding: After receiving a response from me, make sure you understand what I'm saying. If you're unsure or have additional questions, feel free to ask me for clarification. Use me for learning: Don't be afraid to ask me questions about topics you're unfamiliar with. I can provide you with information and resources to help you learn more. Using Chat GPT is simple and straightforward. Just ask your questions, and I'll do my best to provide you with helpful and accurate information. ChatGPT Tutorial: How to Use Chat GPT For Beginners Here's another must-watch ChatGPT tutorial: Best ChatGPT Prompts The best ChatGPT prompts are added directly to the "Prompt Library" channel in the official OpenAI Discord. Join the OpenAI Discord at: The most effective prompts will depend on the specific context and the intended use case. Here are a few examples of prompts that may be useful in certain situations: Conversational: "Hi, how are you doing today?" or "What's your opinion on [topic]?" Creative writing: "Write a short story about a character who discovers a magical object" or "Describe a picturesque sunset in vivid detail." Academic research: "What is the relationship between [topic A] and [topic B]?" or "Can you explain the concept of [theory or term]?" Personal development: "What are some tips for improving my productivity?" or "How can I overcome procrastination?" Business or marketing: "What are the latest trends in [industry or market]?" or "How can we increase sales for [product or service]?" Again, the effectiveness of a prompt will depend on the specific context and purpose. You can also try experimenting with different prompts to see what works best for you. Here are some prompts that could potentially be useful for exploring ways to make money using AI: "What are some industries that are currently using AI to make money?" This prompt can help you identify areas where AI is being used for profitable purposes and potentially spark ideas for how you could incorporate AI into your own business or entrepreneurial pursuits. "What are some examples of successful AI startups?" This prompt can help you learn from the experiences of other entrepreneurs who have built profitable businesses around AI technology. "How can I leverage AI to improve my existing business?" This prompt can help you brainstorm ways to use AI to streamline processes, automate tasks, and enhance the customer experience in your current business. "What are some opportunities for freelance work or consulting in the AI industry?" This prompt can help you explore ways to leverage your skills and knowledge in the AI space to earn money as a freelancer or consultant. Best ChatGPT prompts to get more work done and reduce your work hours: Need more than ChatGPT? GPT-4 can solve difficult problems with greater accuracy, thanks to its broader general knowledge and problem-solving abilities: How to Make Money with ChatGPT Here are some ways you can make money with ChatGPT: Chatbot development: ChatGPT can be used to train chatbots that can interact with customers and provide customer service. If you have skills in chatbot development or are interested in learning, you could potentially build and sell chatbots to businesses. Content creation: ChatGPT can be used to generate content, such as blog posts, social media posts, or product descriptions. If you have a talent for writing, you could potentially offer content creation services using ChatGPT-generated content as a starting point. Virtual assistant services: ChatGPT can be used to automate certain tasks, such as email management, scheduling, or research. If you have skills as a virtual assistant, you could potentially use ChatGPT to streamline your workflow and increase your productivity, allowing you to take on more clients. AI consulting: If you have expertise in AI or machine learning, you could potentially offer consulting services to businesses that are interested in incorporating AI into their operations. ChatGPT could be used as a tool to help you analyze data, develop AI models, or automate certain tasks. Make money on autopilot with ChatGPT: Top 8 AI Business Ideas Here are our top 8 AI business ideas using ChatGPT, GPT-4, and other AI tools! #1 - Start an AI Copywriting Business Use ChatGPT or Copy.AI to write content for clients. Get paid copywriting clients via or #2 - Create an Affiliate Marketing Blog with AI An affiliate marketing blog can earn money through commissions by promoting products or services from other companies. Here's how it works: Choose a niche: First, you need to choose a niche or topic for your blog. This could be anything from fitness to beauty to technology. Sign up for affiliate programs: Once you've chosen your niche, you'll need to find affiliate programs that offer products or services related to your niche. Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction are some of the most popular affiliate networks. Promote products: Once you're signed up for an affiliate program, you'll receive unique affiliate links to promote the products or services. You can include these links in your blog posts, email newsletters, social media posts, and other content. Earn commissions: When someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you'll earn a commission. The commission rate varies depending on the program, but it's typically a percentage of the sale. Build a following: To make money with affiliate marketing, you'll need to build a following of people who are interested in your niche. You can do this by creating high-quality content, engaging with your audience, and promoting your blog through social media and other channels. Write content with AI: Find keywords to rank for in your blog niche via software like LongTailPro and use ChatGPT to write the content. The key to success with affiliate marketing is to provide value to your audience and only promote products or services that you truly believe in. If you do this, you can build a profitable blog that earns money through commissions. #3 - Start an AI Social Media Marketing Agency Business Join our course "How to Start a Marketing Ad Agency" at: Use ChatGPT to generate ideas. As an AI language model, ChatGPT can help you generate ideas for your social media content. For example, you could input a topic or keyword into the model and receive a list of related ideas and phrases. Once you have your ideas, you can start creating your social media content. You can use ChatGPT to help you write captions, create headlines, and even generate hashtags. #4 - Create a YouTube Channel with AI There are several ways to make money with a YouTube channel. Here are some of the most popular methods: Ad revenue: Once your YouTube channel has reached the eligibility requirements for monetization, you can earn money through ad revenue. YouTube places ads on your videos, and you earn a percentage of the revenue generated from those ads. Sponsorships: Brands may be willing to sponsor your YouTube channel if you have a large and engaged audience. You can work with brands to create sponsored content that promotes their products or services. Affiliate marketing: You can also earn money through affiliate marketing by promoting products or services in your videos and including links in your video descriptions. When someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. Merchandise: If you have a dedicated following, you can create and sell merchandise related to your YouTube channel, such as T-shirts, hats, or mugs. Crowdfunding: You can use crowdfunding platforms like Patreon or Kickstarter to raise money from your audience to support your channel. In exchange, you can offer exclusive content or other perks to your supporters. To maximize your earnings on YouTube, it's essential to create high-quality content that resonates with your audience and engages them. Consistency is also crucial, so make sure to upload videos on a regular schedule. By building a loyal following and utilizing the monetization methods above, you can make money with a YouTube channel. #5 - Start an AI Email Marketing Agency Business Starting an email marketing agency business can be a profitable venture if you have the necessary skills and knowledge. Here are some steps to help you get started: Develop your email marketing skills: To start an email marketing agency, you'll need to have a solid understanding of email marketing best practices. This includes knowledge of email design, segmentation, automation, analytics, and more. Consider taking online courses, attending workshops, or reading industry publications to improve your skills. Define your target audience: Decide on the type of clients you want to serve. Consider industries that require email marketing services such as e-commerce, travel, education, healthcare, etc. Develop a service offering: Define the services you'll offer to your clients. This could include email strategy development, email design, campaign management, automation, reporting, and analysis. Develop a business plan: Create a business plan that includes your services, target market, pricing strategy, marketing plan, and financial projections. Build your team: Consider hiring professionals to help you run your agency. This may include designers, writers, developers, project managers, and salespeople. Build your portfolio: Build a portfolio of email campaigns you've created and successfully implemented for your clients. This will serve as a showcase for your skills and help you win new business. Market your services: Use social media, SEO, email marketing, and networking events to market your email marketing agency. You can also reach out to potential clients through cold email outreach and attending industry events. Starting an email marketing agency requires effort, but if you have the skills and dedication to building a successful business, it can be a profitable venture. #6 - Trade Crypto or Stocks with AI Trading crypto or stocks with AI can be a viable option for those who want to automate their trading process and take advantage of the benefits of AI technology. Here are some ways you can use AI for trading: Algorithmic Trading: You can use AI algorithms to analyze market data, identify trends and execute trades based on predefined rules. This can be done through various trading platforms that offer algorithmic trading features. Machine Learning: You can use machine learning algorithms to analyze historical market data and identify patterns that can be used to predict future market movements. This approach can be used to develop predictive models that can help you make informed trading decisions. Sentiment Analysis: You can use natural language processing and sentiment analysis algorithms to analyze news and social media data related to stocks or crypto. This can provide valuable insights into market sentiment and help you make informed trading decisions. Portfolio Management: AI-powered portfolio management tools can help you analyze your holdings and make recommendations on how to optimize your portfolio. These tools can also help you manage risk and rebalance your portfolio. When using AI for trading, it's important to keep in mind that AI is not a substitute for human decision-making. You should always monitor your trades and be prepared to make adjustments as needed. Additionally, it's important to ensure that you have a sound trading strategy in place and that you have a solid understanding of the markets you're trading in. With proper use and caution, AI can be a valuable tool for trading crypto or stocks. #7 - Start an AI Graphic Design Business You can apply for graphic design jobs and use AI tools (like to do all the work; including logo design, social media ads and posts, web design, and more! AI can be used to improve the efficiency and quality of graphic design services. Here are some ways you can use AI for your graphic design business: Design automation: AI-powered design automation tools can help you quickly generate variations of a design based on a set of predefined rules. This can save you time and allow you to focus on more complex design tasks. Image editing: AI-powered image editing tools can help you enhance or manipulate images with greater precision and speed. This can include tasks like color correction, retouching, and background removal. Design inspiration: AI-powered design inspiration tools can help you generate design ideas by analyzing trends and styles. This can help you stay up-to-date with the latest design trends and provide your clients with fresh ideas. Content creation: AI-powered content creation tools can help you quickly generate graphics and visuals based on a set of inputs, such as text or data. This can include tasks like infographics, charts, and graphs. Personalization: AI-powered personalization tools can help you customize designs for individual clients by analyzing their preferences and past design choices. This can help you create more targeted and effective designs. To implement AI in your graphic design business, you'll need to invest in AI-powered design tools and software. You'll also need to have a solid understanding of AI and its applications in graphic design. Consider taking courses, attending workshops, or partnering with AI experts to help you integrate AI into your workflow. By leveraging the power of AI, you can improve the efficiency and quality of your graphic design services and stay ahead of the competition. #8 - Sell AI Created Books & Online Courses Have a math textbook idea? How about a language textbook idea? Maybe a fantasy novel? Or a children's book? How about a non-fiction short tutorial eBook? These are all amazing ideas that you can write with ChatGPT, create images for with Midjourney, and sell via Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing As for AI-created online courses, you can sell them via or DO IT YOURSELF Learn about everything from chatGPT, to eCommerce, to growing businesses, to digital marketing, and more in our top-rated online courses! Here is the link for our latest Udemy coupon codes and free online courses: DONE FOR YOU Seeking a "Done For You Marketing" solution? Click this URL and submit the contact form to speak with our marketing agency team:

  • Cheapest Countries for Facebook Likes

    Looking for cheap LIKES on your Facebook page? Build your social clout and following with cheap likes by targeting these countries in Facebook Page Like Ads! And if you want access to our Facebook Mastery course and all of our courses, join our course bundle at Afghanistan Albania Algeria Argentina Bangladesh Bosnia Brazil Bulgaria Cameroon Chile Egypt Ghana India Indonesia Liberia Macedonia Malaysia Mexico Nepal Nigeria Pakistan Philippines Poland Romania Serbia Slovakia S. Africa Thailand Trinidad Tunisia Turkey Uganda UAE Venezuela Vietnam Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Facebook Ads and online marketing courses at: Join our FREE Facebook Marketing Course: How to Develop Effective Organic and Paid Strategies

  • Helium10

    Helium10 is a suite of Amazon software that helps Amazon sellers find high-ranking keywords, identify trends and products to sell, spy on Amazon competitors, optimize product listings, and increase Amazon sales exponentially! Helium 10 is truly my ALL-IN-ONE tool for EVERYTHING Amazon, so we at Coursenvy have partnered with Helium10 to give all our students (and readers) a FREE ACCOUNT! Helium10 Amazon Software Options Amazon Product Research Tool = Blackbox With Helium10 Blackbox, Amazon sellers can find truly any kind of product they want to sell based on the criteria they set. Amazon Product Research Tool (Chrome Extension) = Xray With the Helium10 Xray Chrome Extension, Amazon sellers can research product data and sales volume right on in their Chrome browser. Amazon Keyword Research Tool = Magnet With Helium10 Magnet, Amazon Sellers can perform a deep dive on products and seed keywords to find the best keywords for their product listings. Amazon Reverse ASIN Keyword Lookup Tool = Cerebro With Helium10 Cerebro, Amazon Sellers can discover their competition’s keywords. Amazon Keyword Processor Tool = Frankenstein With Helium10 Frankenstein, Amazon Sellers can process a list of thousands of keywords (removing duplicates, etc.), down to enough to plug into their Amazon product listings backend “search terms” field. Amazon Keyword List Optimization Tool = Scribbles With Helium10 Scribbles, Amazon Sellers can add the best keywords to their Amazon Seller Central product listings totally optimized for text field lengths. Amazon Product Rank Tracking Tool = Keyword Tracker With Helium10 Keyword Tracker, Amazon Sellers can keep a log of changes you have made in your keyword optimization efforts. Amazon Keyword Index Checker Tool = Index Checker With Helium10 Index Checker, Amazon Sellers can see which of their keyword search terms for their product are being indexed by Amazon. Amazon ASIN Fraud Monitoring Tool = Hijacker Alert With Helium10 Hijacker Alert, Amazon Sellers can monitor ASINs to ensure that nobody else is selling your private label products. Amazon Inventory Protection Tool = Inventory Protector With Helium10 Inventory Protector, Amazon Sellers can guard against discount and coupon scammers. Amazon Inventory Reimbursement Tool = Refund Genie With Helium10 Refund Genie, Amazon Sellers can locate lost or damaged inventory that can be reimbursed by Amazon. Amazon Product Trend Finder Tool = Trendster With Helium10 Trendster, Amazon Sellers can analyze products they’re considering sourcing to determine their seasonality. Amazon Keyword Misspelling Tool = Misspellinator With Helium10 Misspellinator, Amazon Sellers can find common misspellings people type into Amazon and add those keywords to their product listing backend search terms. Helium 10 Pricing Already selling a ton of products on Amazon and need a professional Helium 10 plan? Click our coupon code COURSENVY10 for 10% off your monthly bill!

  • What is a Landing Page?

    I mention collecting LEADS in my courses often. Leads are potential customers! I also mention working visitors down your SALES FUNNEL. Your sales funnel is the process of taking a totally NEW person from their initial visit to your website, to providing them further value/content, to finally selling them your product/service and retaining them as an ongoing customer. SO… WHAT IS A LANDING PAGE? Step #1 – Create a Landing Page Now the first step of a sales funnel is the LANDING PAGE! So what is a landing page? In online marketing, a landing page (also called an opt-in page, lead page, lead capture page, squeeze page, etc.) is a SINGLE web page built SPECIFICALLY for marketing a product/service and capturing information from the visitor that lands on this page. Typically you drive visitors to landing pages via paid ads, such as Facebook ads, Google AdWords ads, or similar. A landing pages goal should be a SINGLE objective requested via a Call to Action (CTA) button/form/link! This single objective is typically the visitor’s contact information in exchange for a Value Proposition (such as a free mini-course, free coupon, free book, free trial, free consultation, etc.). A normal webpage or blog post will have multiple links, buttons, and call to actions on it… but a landing page must only have ONE goal/objective (i.e. collect an email address in exchange for a free eBook)! If you have multiple objectives on your landing page, the visitor may get distracted or never take ANY action. My extensive split testing research has shown that the FEWER CTA (Call to Action) links, forms, and buttons on your landing page, the HIGHER the conversion rates of visitors actually performing your requested objective! Homepage VS. Landing Page On a typical website’s homepage, there are links, buttons, blog posts, banners, etc. options to click EVERYWHERE! On a landing page, there is only ONE call to action. All text, videos, and content direct the visitor to that call to action form/button. Best Lead Capture Builders + The 5 Best Landing Page Examples Now to get your creative juices flowing, I want to show you some of my FAVORITE landing page examples online AND share with your our go to landing page building software we use for clients! #1 – Generate leads and increase revenue using the industry-leading landing page creator with an accompanying suite of lead generation and opt-in tools. Tap the Sign Up button below for the FREE online training on how to create a Leadpages landing page in under 5 minutes: #2 – ClickFunnels is CRUSHING it and their website is built on CLICK FUNNELS! They are making over $1,000,000 per month! I highly suggest you give this podcast a listen with the Lady Boss co-founder: As you can see in the screenshot below, they enable you to create clean and simple, lead capture pages! #3 – Webflow Build a website with NO code! Learn how to create a website in minutes with our Webflow tutorial + get our FREE Webflow promo code at: #4 – ConvertKit As an online creator you are full of big ideas! The best way to get those ideas into the world is with landing pages. The best part about ConvertKit is that you can start with a well-designed FREE landing page template, so you don’t even need a website to start gathering interest and email addresses! Everything is hosted on ConvertKit (no coding needed!) #5 – HubSpot Create and test beautiful landing pages that generate leads and look great on any device — no designers or web developers required. The 5 Best Landing Page Examples To see our 5 Best Landing Page Examples, head over to our blog post dedicated to these Top Landing Pages at: Work Visitors Down Your Sales Funnel The goal is to work visitors down your sales funnel. The first step is to provide them VALUE with something for free that you offer them on your LANDING PAGE. Here are some great examples of things you can give away in exchange for a visitors contact info (name, email, phone, etc. — collect the minimum contact info you need to close future sales): Free Consultation (lawyers, accountants, etc.) Free eBook (truly any niche) Free Mini Course Free Coupon Free Service Free Trial (great for SaaS) Free INSERT VALUE PROPOSITION THAT YOUR POTENTIAL CUSTOMER WOULD WANT The main ad platform I use for driving people to my landing pages is Facebook. Facebook ads are still relatively cheap in comparison to Google AdWords, plus the targeting with Facebook can be LASER FOCUSED! For example, if I was selling a cat toy, I could target people who not only love cats, but also people who have recently purchased cat food (talk about guaranteeing your marketing is reaching cat owners!) Another example, if I want to get high net worth and high-income people to invest in my XYZ, I can target people with a net worth and income over $X amount, again via Facebook Detailed Targeting in Facebook Ads Manager! The power of Facebook ads targeting is scary good, so take advantage of this ad platform while ads and the cost of leads are still reasonably priced (I average $2-$40 per lead for my clients, depending on their niche)! Learn more about driving visitors to your landing page and then working them down your sales funnel in our Facebook Marketing Mastery course at: Using the Facebook Pixel for your Sales Funnel My favorite thing about Facebook ads is their Facebook Pixel. With the Facebook Pixel, I can retarget a group of visitors who reached a specific page on my website. For example, I can create a CUSTOM AUDIENCE on Facebook that targets people who have visited my landing page. Then I can target people who visited my landing page, clicked my call to action button, arrived on my VALUE PROPOSITION page, but didn’t sign up! Let me show you an example… 1) So I create a landing page on my website that has a video, testimonials, and other text explaining why my XYZ software is the greatest on earth, then I present my new COLD visitor (this visitor is NEW to funnel — therefore termed a COLD visitor or COLD audience) with a Call to Action button. EXAMPLE: So one of two things will happen… FIRST, the visitor will sign up and become a free trial subscriber in my email list. By signing up for my free trial, they will automatically be subscribed to my email sequence that provides them more free valuable content sporadically over that 14 Day Trial period. Finally, near the end of the trial, our automated email sequence will offer this free trial subscriber the option to buy my amazing software. Learn more about email automation at: SECOND, the visitor lands on the value proposition page but DOES NOT sign up for the free trial offer. 2) So if they DID NOT sign up for the free trial, I will RETARGET this custom Facebook audience of people who have landed on XYZ value proposition page but DID NOT sign up for the free trial (all tracked via the Facebook Pixel). This is a WARM audience because they have been to my landing page, but they chose not to sign up for some reason. Now is the time to WORK THEM DOWN THE FUNNEL! They are aware of your brand/offering, but for some reason, they didn’t claim your free trial. Maybe they were at work… busy with the kids… the excuses are endless! BUT that said, I statistically get the HIGHEST conversion rates by targeting WARM AUDIENCES as they have the least resistance to signing up… they may have read and watched everything on your landing page, but just got busy with life and left. This is your chance to remind them to come back and sign up for your free trial (or other various free value propositions you may be offering). Learn more about Facebook Pixels at: How to Develop Your Own Landing Page on WordPress The Best WordPress Landing Page Plugin My favorite FREE landing page creator online is Elementor. This WordPress plugin enables you to drag and drop build a custom page on your WordPress site that includes a Call to Action form for capturing leads! Check out Elementor in action: There are many landing page creator tools available online. But to save you the time (and money) of testing and switching between the 10+ we have used over the years (YES, 10+ including Leadpages, ClickFunnels, SamCart, OntraPages, MailChimp Landing Pages, 10 Minute Funnels, Unbounce, Thrive Themes, OptimizePress, and various custom coded landing pages/forms), I landed on ClickFunnels! My Top 3 Secrets to Creating a Lead Generation Sales Funnel That Converts! #1 – Do as Tony Robbins does! “If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you’ll achieve the same results.” -Tony Robbins Find that person or business in your niche that is already succeeding and COPY them… now I’m not saying go and get sued by infringing on copyrights/patents, I’m saying sign up for their newsletter, buy their products, study their content, products, services, social media, marketing, EVERYTHING! Learn from them and study the successful systems they have in place! #2 – Now that you have identified your successful competitor or just someone selling something similar to what you plan to sell… it’s time to CLONE their sales funnel, only using your product and marketing message. #3 – The final secret to creating a lead generation sales funnel that converts is TRAFFIC! You can have the greatest landing page on earth, but without traffic, sales will never happen! If you have the budget, I highly suggest Facebook Ads for the reasons I mentioned in this post earlier. How to Decrease your Customer Acquisition Cost The easiest way to lower your customer acquisition cost by 20-30%: High-Converting Landing Pages Learn more at: Continue Learning

  • Advanced Facebook Ad Targeting

    Facebook Ads allow you to target specific audiences for your ads. We always suggest you define your perfect customer or “avatar” before creating any ad campaign on Facebook! Are you targeting business owners on Facebook? Are there specific pages your perfect customer likes on Facebook? What interests does your avatar have? Once you have this perfect customer-defined, you can take advantage of the following advanced Detailed Targeting strategies on Facebook. Want to MASTER Facebook Ads? Here is a FREE TRIAL of our modMBA Coursenvy course bundle! Targeting Business Owners on Facebook A common audience I target for my Facebook ads agency clients is business owners. Targeting business owners on Facebook can be done via targeting Facebook Page admins in the Detailed Targeting section while creating Facebook Ads. Simply search “page admins” via Facebook behavior targeting: Another Facebook behavior targeting I like is Behaviors > Purchase behavior > Engaged Shoppers. This behavior instantly find people who shop online! Facebook Ads Targeting Competitors Creating Facebook Ads targeting competitors is one of my favorite ways to steal customers from my competition! Notice the “Additional Interests” in the image above. This is the Facebook Page for the actual brand "Khan Academy". Users had to physically go to this Facebook Page and like/engage with them. I prefer targeting these types of users over the generic Facebook ads targeting interests, like my fourth selection under Detailed Targeting “digital marketing”. This “digital marketing” targeting is depending on the Facebook algorithm to find users interested in this topic (i.e. they have engaged with pages and posts similar to this interest). While this is a great area to split test, I personally see the better ROMI (Return on Marketing Investment) from targeting specific brands' Facebook pages over just the interest. Also, notice I am not using the “Exclude People” or “Narrow Audience” options below the Detailed Targeting field. By using just the first Detailed Targeting field “Include people who match” I am telling Facebook to find anybody who likes Khan Academy OR Neil Patel OR Udemy OR Digital Marketing, hence why my Potential Reach for this ad is 26,000,000. If I know for sure my audience doesn’t like XYZ interest, I will EXCLUDE it. You can also split test ads targeting smaller, laser-focused audiences by using the NARROW AUDIENCE option below the Detailed Targeting field. For example: Just keep an eye on your “Audience Size” in the right sidebar as smaller audiences are more expensive to target (this is an estimate of the size of the audience that’s eligible to see your ad. It’s based on your targeting criteria. This is not an estimate of how many people will actually see your ad.) A large potential audience lets Facebook look for the lowest cost results. I typically prefer casting a wide net with a Potential Reach of 1,000,000 or greater, then I will create Lookalike Audiences of the varying Custom Audiences I have from this broad audience ad. Facebook Ads Targeting Facebook Groups I get asked this question constantly… “How do I target Facebook Groups?”. Sadly, this is not possible. But, there IS A HACK for targeting this audience. Simply JOIN the Facebook Groups you want to target. Interact with the groups and become a valued member. Then and only then, create a blog post or webpage on your website that PROVIDES VALUE for free (like this blog post). Make sure the Facebook Pixel is installed on your website and then create a Custom Audience of this specific website you share with the Facebook Group. Create this audience via Custom Audience –> Website –> “People who visited specific web pages”. The Custom Audience will capture all the traffic/users who clicked the link in the Facebook Group, then you can target these group members via this Custom Audience (via the AD SET level) in future Facebook Ads. This is my favorite HACK alternative for Facebook ads targeting groups! EXAMPLE: Advanced Facebook Ads Targeting We recently added a client to our Facebook Ads agency that owns a company that sells stationary exercise bikes. Their website was brand new and had ZERO traffic, so we couldn’t depend on the Facebook Pixel and retargeting Custom Audiences alone. We had to “feed the Pixel” data. We did this with top-of-funnel traffic ads targeting our “perfect customer”. To find our perfect customer, we did a lot of Facebook research to find pages and interests similar to our client’s brand. This was our final top of funnel targeting: As you can see above, my research about this client’s “perfect customer” shows in my top of funnel targeting. Their company can only ship to the USA and Canada, so my ads only target those two locations for this Facebook ads location targeting. Now if I have a client that only has one store in Los Angeles, I could enter that city and add a radius for this ad to only appear in that area. Next, after some research on Google, I found the average age for fitness equipment occurs for men and women between the age of 24 and 64. Finally, is our detailed targeting. Since this is a top-of-funnel ad, we want to target a BROAD audience (i.e. 1 million+ in size!) So first, the exercise bike costs over $1,000, so I knew lower-income users will not be interested, so I targeted the top 50% of incomes. Next, I targeted the interest of “indoor cycling” and will let Facebook hopefully find users that have shown interest in this topic. Finally, I targeted specific Facebook pages (i.e. brands!) This includes the very expensive exercise bike brand Peloton, as well as various indoor cycling class brands like SoulCycle. I will split test ad content until my campaign is getting the lowest cost per click, then I will slowly scale up my ad spend on this top of funnel ad. Once my Custom Audiences build-up to 1,000+ users, I can create retargeting ads on them to close the sale! Facebook Retargeting Ad Example: I will create a Conversion Objective campaign targeting my Custom Audience of “Add to Cart” traffic, but exclude the Customer Audience of “Made a Purchase” traffic… so this means I am targeting very HOT users that are ready to make a purchase, but maybe just got busy with life! This retargeting ad will remind them to finish their purchase… I will even split test offering a 10% off coupon in one ad to see if that helps close the sale! Advanced Facebook Detailed Targeting Strategies The key to all Facebook Detailed Targeting is TESTING! Split test one variable at a time to identify what is working with your audience! Test one interest at a time, one location, one VARIABLE per test campaign so you can identify not only what audience is getting you results, but also optimize for the lowest cost per action as well be testing these winning variables together in new ad campaigns! Continue Learning

  • The 15 Best Facebook Pages You've Ever Seen

    Building a masterpiece of a Facebook page can be difficult… but we think these 15 Facebook pages have gotten pretty close to perfect! Make sure to research your own niche on Facebook to see what your direct competition is doing, but we feel you can learn a ton from the best Facebook pages too! Focus on the profile photo, cover photo, CTA button, tabs, posts (what gets amazing engagement and what doesn’t). You need to be able to drop someone who doesn’t know a THING about your brand onto your page and in 30 seconds they will have a CRYSTAL clear image of what you do, what is your mission and what is your brand all about! Check out these Facebook pages and pluck what you can from each to implement on your own Facebook page! Remember, your competitors (if they are a large brand) usually have a TEAM of social media marketers working on their content and social media accounts… this is why it is ok to “take influence” (cough COPY cough) from them as you grow your Facebook page! And make sure to check out our entire online marketing mastery course, the modMBA. 1. Cabela’s – 2. Zappos – 3. Starbucks – 4. – 5. Dunkin’ Donuts – 6. Tough Mudder – 7. Toms – 8. Adobe – 9. Burt’s Bees – 10. Lollacup – 11. Gold’s Gym – 12. Tawnie and Brina – 13. NBA – 14. Tasty – 15. REVOLVE – BONUS: 25 of the Best Facebook Pages We've Ever Seen Continue Learning

  • Long Tail Pro

    Long Tail Pro vs Google Ads Keyword Planner — Keyword Research Battle! How do I research keywords? This is a common question I get from clients. And my immediate response is… Long Tail Pro! Join Long Tail Pro with our FREE trial at: Long Tail Pro vs Google Ads Keyword Planner: With the update to Google Ads Keyword Planner (rendering it near worthless), without paying for Google Ads to test the actual search volume for keywords, the generic "Avg. monthly searches" range they provide gives you ZERO actionable data! See the example below: Plus the Google Ads Keyword Tool doesn’t give you any metric for how difficult it will be to rank for a specific keyword. Google Ads Keyword Planner just gives you this broad range, the Google Ads competition for that keyword (Low, Medium, High), then the suggested bid (or estimated CPC for Google Ads ads using this keyword). TL;DR -- Long Tail Pro is the WINNER: Keyword Research 101 We prefer and suggest Long Tail Pro to all our clients. Long Tail Pro is the best long-tail keyword research software online. I use their software for researching keywords for everything from social media marketing bios, to page and blog post titles, to headings (H2, H3, etc.), to meta descriptions, to YouTube descriptions, to content/articles, and so much more! Claim our affiliate Long Tail Pro free trial at: How to use LongTailPro with Google Ads So now that you have realized Google Ads Keyword Planner tool is basically worthless, how are you going to pick keywords for your Google Ads campaign? This is where shines! We input just one or two seed keywords into our Long Tail Pro software, then click retrieve: As you can see, LongTailPro is pulling data from Google Ads. WHAT?! So LTP uses a mix of their own massive data (launched in 2011) and data pulled via API from,, and Google Ads ( Once you input your seed keywords, LongTailPro outputs suggested keywords related to your seed keywords, search volume, Ads suggested bid, Ads competition, total words, rank value, average keyword competition, language searched, and location searched. With all this data in one place, the time you save doing keyword research is insane. I used to have to use Google Ads, then Majestic, then Moz, then various other keyword tools online… no more. puts it all in one easy-to-use software! FIRST, set up your Long Tail Pro account so you can STEP UP your Keyword Research game! Just click our affiliate link: Long Tail Pro Keyword Research Online Course Start your FREE Keyword Research with LongTailPro at:

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