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  • Where Broad Targeting Fits into Facebook Advertising in 2024

    Lately (the last 6 months or so) with our marketing clients we've been exploring a trend that's reshaping the landscape of Facebook advertising – the exceptional performance of broad targeting. In recent months, marketers have been witnessing remarkable results by adopting a more expansive approach to audience targeting. Traditionally, advertisers have favored precise demographic and interest targeting, aiming to reach a highly specific audience. However, the paradigm is shifting, and broad targeting is gaining traction. Thanks to advancements in Facebook's ad platform algorithms, marketers can now rely on sophisticated targeting that identifies and engages with audiences exhibiting similar behavioral patterns. This shift has translated into increased reach and engagement, significantly impacting campaign success metrics! The key question arises – how can you integrate this strategy into your own campaigns? It starts with a shift in mindset. Embrace the idea of allowing Facebook's algorithms to optimize your campaign. Clearly define your goals and objectives, and instead of narrowing your audience parameters excessively, provide the algorithm with the flexibility to identify and connect with potential customers organically. Regularly monitor performance, make necessary adjustments, and witness your ads reaching a more extensive and diverse audience. To make the most of broad targeting, it's crucial to understand the algorithmic nuances. Facebook's machine learning capabilities are designed to analyze user behavior and preferences, adapting in real-time to deliver ads to a broader yet relevant audience. By aligning your campaign goals with these capabilities, you empower the algorithm to refine and optimize your ad delivery, ultimately driving better results. One of the notable advantages of broad targeting is the increased potential for discovering untapped markets and audience segments. Instead of relying on predefined audience characteristics, trust the algorithm to uncover hidden opportunities. By relinquishing some control and embracing a more fluid approach, you open the door to reaching potential customers who may not fit conventional targeting criteria but are still interested in your products or services. In conclusion, the era of broad targeting on Facebook ads is here, and it promises unparalleled success for marketers who are open to adaptation. By understanding and harnessing the power of algorithmic learning, you can elevate your campaigns, expand your reach, and connect with a broader audience than ever before. If you want to learn more, we've created a guide called the Facebook Ads Jumpstarter Blueprint that shows how to setup these campaigns for each niche. We show you EXACTLY how to do it, click by click. There's no "ad theory" or "best practices" to sort through, we literally show you what buttons to push and WHY. If you're interested, you can check it out here: Thanks for being part of the Coursenvy family! We hope you have a very successful week!

  • Facebook Ads Manager

    Welcome to our Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing Mastery course! If you landed on this page via Google search, no worries, you can join our Facebook course which is included in our course bundle! How I Get Returns from Facebook Ads for $0.01 The theme of our Facebook course is to OPTIMIZE your Facebook Ads so well that you can start getting results with as little as $0.01! You will learn how to get the BEST results with your Facebook Ads. But REMEMBER… Rome wasn’t built in a day, BUT they did lay bricks every day! So you need to do the same each day with your Facebook Ads and business! TL;DR... our most common campaign setup looks like this: 1 Campaign (Top of Funnel) 2 Ad Sets with broad targeting, for example: #1 Ad Set = United States, age 24-44; #2 Ad Set = target Lookalike Audience of past customers 5 Ads under each Ad Set... with each Ad testing ONE variable (so you can easily identify the winning variables), such as different TEXT value propositions (e.g. hooks, CTAs, sales angles) and CREATIVES (e.g. videos, carousels, images, etc. -- PRO TIP: including HUMANS in your creatives = INCREASED conversions) The goal is to A/B split test until you lower CPM (Cost Per 1,000 Impressions) and increase CTR (Click Through Rate)... as you optimize your audience and ads, your CPM and CTR will improve and your CPC (Cost Per Click) will decrease! Ad Sets need about 50 conversions in the first 10 days to exit the “Learning” phase. So while Sales (Conversion) campaigns clearly cost the most, the Facebook algorithm is smart enough to know that when you use a Sales (Conversion) objective campaign Facebook will ONLY target people MOST likely to convert (unlike a Traffic objective). Professional Facebook ad agencies like ours use Sales (Conversion) objective campaigns nearly 100% of the time! For example, for a Top of Funnel campaign, we will select "Sales" for the objective and "Lead" for the Conversion Event. For a Middle of Funnel campaign, we will select "Sales" for the objective and "Add to Cart" for the Conversion Event. For a Bottom of Funnel campaign, we will select "Sales" for the objective and "Purchase" for the Conversion Event. Before You Begin Our Facebook Ads Course We do dive right into the deep end (PROVIDING YOU A TON OF VALUE) and want to take you from 0 to 100 as soon as possible with everything Facebook! We truly try to make everything super easy to understand, but we don’t want to waste too much of your time on intro material that you can learn quickly just by browsing your Facebook Ads Manager. ASSIGNMENT #1 Spend about 1-hour browsing the free resources linked below! We try to always over-describe everything in the course, but we are NOT perfect! These links are a perfect warm-up to our course and great for learning the jargon we use. Please message us feedback/questions as you take our Facebook course so we can continue to improve the lectures! Strategy for Running High-Performing Social Ads: Meta Blueprint: How to Write and Design Ads for Social Networks (e.g. Facebook, Instagram): Advertising acronym cheat sheet: CPM — Cost-per-thousand. How much you pay per 1,000 ad impressions. CPC — Cost-per-click. How much you pay per ad click. CTR — Click-through-rate. The percentage of people who click your ad after seeing it. CPA — Cost-per-action. The average $ amount spent to reach a conversion goal. LTV — Lifetime value. How much revenue the average user makes you. SaaS — Software-as-a-service. A software company whose product exists in the cloud. 4 Tips Before Getting Started With Our Facebook Ads Course #1 – I highly suggest you watch the ENTIRE course first… take note of lectures you want to rewatch… THEN rewatch lectures as needed, and THEN begin taking action on Facebook! EXAMPLE TIMELINE: Watch our entire Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing Mastery course and take note of the lectures you want to rewatch. Create your Facebook page. Create your Facebook Business Manager account at: Create your Facebook ad account and install your Facebook pixel on your website. Create your Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences. Begin creating Facebook Ads and split testing ads. ***Don’t worry, I will cover what this all means in the upcoming lectures! #2 – ALWAYS assume your business is going to be successful! As Tony Robbins says, “Where focus goes, energy flows!” So that said, I advise you START with a Facebook Business Manager account with the ASSUMPTION that your business will only be growing, requiring you to add Facebook pages, ad accounts, new websites/pixels, employees, etc. So yes, we do JUMP RIGHT IN teaching you how to create a Facebook Business Manager in an upcoming lecture! DON’T WORRY! We’ll teach you EVERYTHING! With your personal profile, you can simply sign in and create a Facebook Business Manager for FREE! ***Facebook Business Manager enables you to manage your Facebook ad account, Facebook Page, and assign people to work on them — all in one place! We get a lot of questions and “worry” from students after watching the “Facebook for Business” lecture. For example, a student messaged us worried because they don’t even have a Facebook Page yet! DON’T WORRY! Take a deep breath! This is a necessary “chicken before the egg” lecture which you will understand as you advance further in this course. Typically students answer their own questions by the time they complete this course! Remember my #1 tip… Watch the ENTIRE course first, TAKE NOTE of the lectures you want to rewatch, and THEN finally begin taking action on Facebook! After completing the course 100%, if you still have questions, please ask! We want everyone 5-STAR happy and everyone to have a total understanding of Facebook! #3 – Via your Facebook Business Manager, you will create a new Facebook ad account, which comes with a new Facebook Pixel you will install on your website for tracking. Take note of this… ONE website PER Facebook ad account ONE Facebook pixel PER website ONE Facebook pixel is connected to ONE Facebook ad account PRO TIP: Never overlap the tracking of various websites by installing one Facebook Pixel on multiple websites. #4 – When you start creating Facebook ads and you are typing in your competitor’s Facebook page name into the Detailed Targeting field under the AD SET level, you will find that NOT ALL Facebook pages that you search for will appear. This is Facebook’s discretion which Facebook pages appear as a targeting option under the Detailed Targeting field under the AD SET level. If your competitor’s page does not appear, NO WORRIES… you will get cheaper engagement anyway by targeting a BROAD audience (1,000,000+ size) to start with, then you can retarget this WARM AUDIENCE (people who went to your website, etc.) and/or even create a LOOKALIKE audience for future ads… so don’t fret if your competitor’s page doesn’t appear under Detailed Targeting! We’ll teach you how to create your OWN audience!!! How to Begin Our Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing Mastery Course We are updating constantly our courses, so enjoy lifetime access to our evergreen course bundle the modMBA (which includes our top-rate Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing Mastery course): TAKING OUR COURSE ON UDEMY? You can access the course via your MY LEARNING page at: Remember, complete the course 100% first, writing down lectures you want to rewatch along the way (nearly 99% of your questions will be answered as you progress through the course). Plus, when you complete the course 100% you will receive a “Certificate of Completion” (automatically via the and emailed via Udemy: *click the CONTACT US button on this Udemy URL should you have an issue) Facebook Course Layout Section 1: You have just finished this introductory section, getting you ready for the course! Section 2: Before you can create Facebook ads, you need to create a Facebook personal profile and Facebook Page for your business. Learn how to create and optimize your Facebook Page in this section! Section 3: Now that you have a Facebook Page created, you can begin creating Facebook ads! Learn the fundamentals of Facebook ads in this section! Section 4: To make the most of your Facebook ads, you need to harness the power of the Facebook pixel. Learn everything about the Facebook pixel, custom audiences, and how the pixel can capture your audience’s enabling you to retarget them with Facebook ads! Section 5: There are many varying Facebook marketing objectives to choose from your for Facebook ads. Learn how to use each type of campaign objective in the correct way so you can drive customers down your varying sales funnels! Section 6: Learn all about Facebook engagement and how to keep your audience’s attention! Section 7: Learn all about the data, insights and reporting Facebook provides you! Section 8: Learn how to expand into other Social Media platforms, besides Facebook! Section 9: Watch us dive deep into common student FAQs! Section 10: Learn how to create a Facebook Business Manager account and how to start a Facebook ads business/agency so you can create Facebook ads for other businesses and begin to profit for yourself! Section 11: Learn how to create a Facebook Shops! Section 12: Learn all the latest Facebook updates and resources Coursenvy uncovers! Assignment #2 – Create a Facebook Business Manager Facebook Business Manager is a Facebook tool that helps organize and manage your business. With it you can create/manage your Facebook ad account, Facebook Page, Instagram account, payment method, analytics, reporting, employee access, and more… all in one place! Whether if you have one business OR if you have multiple brands/websites OR if you are an ad agency with multiple clients… I REQUIRE EVERYONE that wants to create Facebook Ads to first create a Facebook Business Manager account as that is where we work in and teach via this course. In the next lecture “Facebook for Business”, you will create your Facebook Business Manager: When you click the “MENU” button in the top left corner, the Facebook Business Manager menu will expand. This is the menu I reference for nearly everything we access throughout this course. Outsource Your Facebook Ads After completing this course, students typically arrive at one of two outcomes: #1 – You will be 100% confident in running and scaling your own Facebook Ads! #2 – You will confirm that you want to focus on what you do best (running your business) and hire us to professionally manage your online marketing! Review our marketing agency packages at: Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Facebook Ads and online marketing courses at HubSpot Free Resources How to Develop Effective Organic and Paid Strategies Social Media Content Calendar Template

  • Stuck With Your Facebook Ads Campaigns? Unable to Scale or Just Get Stuck In Learning? TRY THIS

    Are you feeling stuck trying to get your Facebook/Instagram ads off the ground and running? Did you try to setup your first few campaigns but couldn't get the numbers to work? We just released our Facebook Ads Jumpstarter Blueprint that shows you EXACTLY how to build your first campaigns for these industries: ✅ E-Commerce ✅ Local/Brick N' Mortar ✅ Real Estate ✅ Social Media Marketing/PR ✅ Insurance ✅ Professional Services ✅ Business-To-Business ✅ Coaching ✅ Health/Fitness/Sports ✅ Finance/Trading ✅ Artists/Musicians ✅ Influencers/Personal Branding ✅ SaaS If you've been stuck or overwhelmed with your ads, checkout the Blueprint - we show you the campaign structure that's working for our clients right now. It shows exactly how to launch each campaign click by click, what to do when things go right and what to do if things go wrong. We're excited to release this for 2024 and have a bunch of new goodies coming soon, so keep your eye out! Below is the basic outline of how to structure your campaigns for each industry. We have all of this and more information inside our Facebook Ads Jumpstarter Blueprint which is on SALE right now if you're interested. Here is the Link: Here is the campaign structure we use for each Industry: (Catalog, Products, Broad) Ecommerce, Product Businesses, Dropshippers CBO purchase campaign, broad audience no targeting, 5-10 creatives, 2 headlines, 2 copy (Foot Traffic, Geo Targeted) Local Brick N Mortar, foot traffic NOT leads Store awareness CBO campaign, broad audience but with geo targeting only. No advanced targeting. 5-10 creatives, test some plain and some with “mention you saw us on facebook to get a discount”. 2 headlines, 2 copy (Leads, Geo Targeted) Local Real Estate, Contractors, Insurance, Professional Services, B2B, Musicians Leads CBO, broad targeting with geo only. Use instant forms unless your landing page is great. A+ Placements can leave on. Lead form must have 3-5 questions in order to avoid spam/junk responses. Make sure to follow up with those leads as quick as possible, within 24 hours is best! (Leads, Broad) Digital SMM, Professionals, Coaching, Health/Fitness, Finance, Musicians, Influencers, SaaS Leads CBO, broad targeting. Use instant forms unless your landing page is great. A+ Placements can leave on. Lead form must have 3-5 questions in order to avoid spam/junk responses. Make sure to follow up with those leads as quick as possible, within 24 hours is best! To get the full videos showing exactly how to create these campaigns click by click, checkout the Facebook Ads Jumpstarter Blueprint HERE

  • Elevate Your Holiday Campaigns with These Facebook Advertising Best Practices! 🎁🚀

    'Tis the season to boost your business and spread some holiday cheer! As we gear up for the festive season, it's crucial to fine-tune our Facebook advertising strategies to make the most of this joyful time. Here are some tried-and-true Facebook advertising best practices to sleigh your holiday campaigns: Start Early: 🕒 Don't wait until the last minute! Launch your holiday campaigns early to capture the attention of early shoppers and build momentum leading up to the peak season. Create Festive Content: 🎄🎅 Infuse holiday spirit into your ad creatives. Whether it's festive visuals, holiday-themed copy, or a touch of seasonal humor, make sure your ads resonate with the joyful vibes of the holidays. Leverage Carousel Ads: 🔄 Showcase a variety of your products or highlight different features with carousel ads. This format is engaging and allows you to tell a compelling story about your brand. Utilize Retargeting: 🎯 Maximize the impact of your ads by retargeting users who have previously engaged with your brand. Remind them of your fantastic holiday offers and bring them back to complete their purchase. Optimize for Mobile: 📱 The majority of users browse Facebook on mobile devices. Ensure your ads are mobile-friendly with concise and visually appealing content that captures attention even on smaller screens. Offer Special Promotions: 💸 'Tis the season of giving! Create exclusive holiday promotions, discounts, or bundles to entice potential customers. Highlight the value they'll receive by choosing your products or services. Use Facebook Pixel: 🔍 Leverage Facebook Pixel to track user interactions on your website. This invaluable data will help you refine your targeting, measure conversions, and optimize your ads for better performance. Run A/B Tests: 📊 Experiment with different ad creatives, copy, and targeting options through A/B testing. Identify what resonates best with your audience to refine your strategy as the holiday season progresses. Foster Engagement: 💬 Encourage audience interaction by posing questions, running polls, or hosting holiday-themed contests. Boosting engagement can increase your organic reach and create a sense of community around your brand. Monitor and Adjust: 📈 Keep a close eye on the performance of your ads throughout the holiday season. Use insights and analytics to make data-driven adjustments and ensure your campaigns stay effective. This holiday season, let's light up Facebook with dazzling campaigns that capture the hearts (and wallets) of our audience. May your ads be merry and bright! Wishing you a successful and joy-filled holiday season, The team @ Coursenvy Pssssst, if you haven't already - checkout our new FREE courses in our library HERE

  • 6 Ways to Increase Average Order Value (AOV) TODAY!

    We talk a lot at Coursenvy about Ads, Facebook, Google and Paid Media. We don't talk enough about how to squeeze MORE out of each transaction after getting customers to your storefront or website! Here's 8 ideas you can use TODAY to increase revenue per transaction, or AOV. Free Shipping Thresholds: Test this vigorously! This encourages customers to add more items to their carts to meet the threshold, effectively increasing their AOV. Make sure to prominently display this threshold on your website. We had a clothing company that offered Free Shipping all the time and thought they would LOSE customers by changing to a $79 shipping minimum. Not only did their conversion rate stay exactly the same, but they had absolutely NO pushback from customers and they boosted their AOV by +$25 OVERNIGHT. This is a game changer! Bundles 🚀: Create irresistible product bundles or packages that encourage customers to buy complementary items together! Offering a slight discount on the bundled items compared to purchasing them individually can motivate shoppers to add more to their carts. Highlight the savings and benefits they'll enjoy by choosing these bundles! You can build this out easily with an app like Monster Checkout on Shopify. Buy More, Save More: Implement tiered pricing or quantity-based discounts to incentivize larger purchases. For example, "Buy 2, Get 10% Off" or "Spend $50 and Get 20% Off." Clearly communicate these offers on product pages and during the checkout process to capture your customers' attention! Upselling and Cross-Selling: Leverage product recommendations based on customers' browsing and purchase history. Suggest related or complementary products on product pages or during checkout. For instance, if a customer is buying a camera, recommend a compatible lens or camera bag to go with it. Or my personal favorite, recommend "Best-Selling" products! This can be true and you can show the real best selling products, or you can show products you have deep inventory in and need to move. Limited-Time or FREE Offers: Create a sense of urgency by promoting limited-time offers, such as "Buy now and get a free gift" or "Limited stock - Buy before it's gone." These time-sensitive incentives can push customers to add more to their carts before the opportunity disappears. Offering a FREE item is a winning strategy if your product line includes some high margin/low cost items. For instance, an apparel company can giveaway pairs of earrings or necklaces for FREE and the cogs are only $1-3 each on your end for that free item - so you aren't losing much profit and they'll try a lot harder to meet that bigger cart amount! Loyalty Programs: Introduce a loyalty program that rewards customers for spending more. Offer points for every dollar spent or give exclusive discounts and early access to high spenders. Loyalty programs not only increase AOV but also foster long-term customer relationships. I put this last on the list because i've never seen it work effectively.. Customers forget about the rewards, or the tiers seem too high to earn a good discount or free item, or they just don't pay attention at all. Still worth trying, but don't get your hopes up (keeping it honest!) Remember, the key to success is not just implementing these strategies but also analyzing their effectiveness! Use analytics tools to track the impact of each method on your AOV and adjust your approach accordingly. I hope these strategies help you supercharge your AOV and take your e-commerce business to new heights! What should our newsletter be about next week? Drop a comment below. Cheers! Josh @ Coursenvy

  • 7 Easy Ways to Use ChatGPT for Ad Copy and Creation

    It's no secret that ChatGPT is a powerful tool changing the way we accomplish tedious tasks - such as ad copy variations for a/b testing! Here's 7 ways i've found to use ChatGPT TODAY to start taking some of the headache out of Ad Copy Generation: 1. Hyper-Personalized Ad Copy: Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all advertising. With ChatGPT, you can create highly personalized ad copy that speaks directly to each segment of your audience. By inputting key information about your target demographics, preferences, and pain points, ChatGPT crafts compelling copy that resonates on a personal level, boosting engagement and conversions. 2. Dynamic Headlines and CTAs: Crafting attention-grabbing headlines and effective calls-to-action (CTAs) is an art in itself. ChatGPT streamlines this process by generating a variety of impactful headlines and CTAs based on your campaign objectives. Experiment with different options to see which resonates best with your audience and drives the desired actions. 3. A/B Testing Variations: A/B testing is vital for optimizing your ad performance. ChatGPT can help expedite this process by generating multiple ad copy variations for your campaigns. Test different messaging, tones, and angles to identify which copy drives the best results, all while saving time and resources. 4. Expanding Creativity and Ideas: Stuck in a creative rut? Let ChatGPT be your brainstorming partner. Provide a brief description of your campaign or product, and watch as ChatGPT generates fresh ideas, unique angles, and creative concepts to infuse new life into your advertising strategy! 5. Adapting to Trends and Events: Timeliness is crucial in advertising. ChatGPT allows you to quickly adapt your ad copy to current events, trends, and seasonal changes. Whether it's a holiday sale or a trending topic, ChatGPT assists in generating copy that resonates with the current moment, enhancing your campaign's relevance. 6. Creating Urgency and Scarcity: Generate copy that creates a sense of urgency or scarcity, encouraging users to take immediate action. ChatGPT can help you craft phrases that convey limited-time offers, exclusive deals, or impending deadlines. 7. Explaining Complex Products: If your product or service is complex, ChatGPT can help you break down the details into easy-to-understand language. This is particularly useful for industries that require technical explanations. Here's an example i've used lately: ChatGPT Prompt: "You are creating facebook ads for a womens clothing company and they just released a new line of fall leather boots. Generate 2 different ad copy variations" This is a very general example, i would add more info about the boots and the material, where they were made etc in order for ChatGPT to come up with a better suited example. But it still generates this: Ad Copy Variation 1: 🍂 Step into Fall Fashion with Elegance! 🍂 Introducing Our Luxurious Leather Boot Collection. As the leaves change, so should your style. Embrace the beauty of autumn with our exquisite new line of leather boots. From classic riding boots to chic ankle booties, our collection is designed to make every step a statement. 👢 Discover Unparalleled Comfort: Crafted with soft, genuine leather, our boots wrap your feet in pure luxury, ensuring both style and comfort. 🍁 Embrace Versatility: Elevate any outfit effortlessly with these timeless boots. From casual denim to elegant dresses, these boots are your fall wardrobe's must-have. 🛍️ Shop Now and Step Up Your Fall Game! 🛍️ Limited stock available. Don't miss out! Ad Copy Variation 2: 🌟 Fall in Love with Fall! 🌟 New Arrival Alert: Captivating Leather Boots for the Season. Unleash your inner fashionista this autumn with our mesmerizing range of leather boots. Each pair is a testament to craftsmanship, blending style with functionality for the modern woman. 🍂 Walk Confidently: Our boots aren't just a fashion statement – they're an expression of your confidence. Conquer every sidewalk and dance through every fallen leaf with grace. 👗 Elevate Every Outfit: Whether you're rocking jeans, dresses, or cozy sweaters, our leather boots add that extra touch of elegance that completes your look. 👢 Limited Quantities Available: Be among the first to own these exquisite boots that were made for fall adventures. 🛒 Shop Now to Embrace Fall with Style! 🛒 Get yours before they're gone! I love that it even adds emoji's! Makes a great starting point, then you can easily go in and remove the fluff or add extra details you may have forgotten in the beginning. Its a whole new world with ChatGPT on our side! Have you used it in your marketing yet? Our friend Wes McDowell made a great YouTube video on this too: Thanks for reading!

  • Best Alternative MBA + The Complete Seth Godin altMBA Review

    The was voted the best alternative MBA! In an evolving world, the traditional career path is undergoing significant transformation. Central to this shift is the concept of the "alternative MBA", a revolutionary approach to professional development. The alternative MBA is gaining popularity among ambitious professionals seeking to expand their horizons beyond the traditional business school framework. In this context, the modMBA and the altMBA program, established by world-renowned author and entrepreneur Seth Godin, stand out as prime examples of this innovative education trend. Alternative MBA, a Shift from the Norm The program and the altMBA program embody the ethos of the alternative MBA. Instead of prioritizing theoretical knowledge, the program places a strong emphasis on practical skills and real-world experience. This online leadership and management workshop encourages students to apply critical thinking to solve complex business problems. Seth Godin’s altMBA Review For many, the value proposition of the altMBA lies in its unique design. Its immersive, project-based curriculum pushes students out of their comfort zones, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and leadership skills. Seth Godin's altMBA review highlights the immersive learning experience that this program offers. Participant altMBA reviews of the altMBA program are overwhelmingly positive, adding credence to the value this alternative MBA brings. Many testimonials highlight the transformative nature of the course, with past students noting remarkable growth in their problem-solving abilities, leadership skills, and strategic thinking. Additionally, the strong network of global professionals that participants gain access to is another frequently lauded aspect. Overall, altMBA reviews suggest that this course is not just an educational program, but a journey of personal and professional self-discovery. Despite the cost, participants deem the altMBA a worthy investment that returns manifold in the skills gained and the doors it opens in their career paths. altMBA Seth Godin: The Vision Behind the Program The alternative MBA, and the altMBA program in particular, is the brainchild of Seth Godin. The renowned marketing guru envisioned a space where individuals could harness their potential, stimulate their creativity, and strengthen their leadership capabilities. As Godin put it, "It's not about how much it costs. It's about how much it's worth." The Structure of the altMBA The altMBA curriculum is spread across four weeks of intensive online sessions. It comprises 13 projects designed to challenge the conventional thinking of students and encourage them to stretch their potential to the fullest. Who Should Consider the altMBA? The altMBA program isn't designed exclusively for individuals with business backgrounds. From creative professionals to non-profit leaders, this alternative MBA is tailored for anyone seeking to redefine their career paths and enhance their leadership capabilities. Returning to the concept of the alternative MBA, we find its implications far-reaching and its value immeasurable. In the pursuit of innovation and excellence, programs such as Seth Godin's altMBA serve as a stepping stone to a brighter future. The Impact of the Alternative MBA The alternative MBA brings new opportunities and challenges, requiring participants to adapt and innovate constantly. Its intensive nature provides a platform for individuals to not only develop their knowledge but also to transform their perspective, enabling them to see opportunities where others see obstacles. The Future of Education With the emergence of alternative MBA programs like the, the future of education seems to be shifting towards more practical, skill-based learning. The focus on individual development and holistic growth is steadily replacing traditional rote learning methods. The Power of Networking in altMBA A significant advantage of the altMBA program is the opportunity for networking. Participants interact with a diverse group of professionals from around the globe, creating a robust and dynamic network that continues to be a valuable resource long after the course completion. How Much Does the altMBA Cost? The cost of the altMBA might seem daunting initially, but considering the personal and professional growth it fosters, it proves to be a valuable investment. As Seth Godin says, "Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don't need to escape from." The altMBA program is an investment in your future, with a cost that reflects its high-value proposition. The altMBA cost for the program stands at $4,450. This includes all the course materials, extensive networking opportunities, and intensive coaching sessions. While it may seem like a significant financial commitment, the transformative experience, and skills it offers make it a worthy investment for those seeking to elevate their professional journey. Remember, an alternative MBA is not about the cost; it's about the value it brings to your career. Seth Godin altMBA vs modMBA We love BOTH of these alternative MBA programs! The is our winner though with the lower price to still amazingly high value! Alternative MBA, the Future of Learning The alternative MBA provides an avenue for individuals to redefine their educational journey. In a world where innovation and adaptability are key, this unconventional approach to learning may very well be the future of education. It not only prepares professionals for the dynamic business landscape but also empowers them to become architects of their own destiny. With its blend of practical learning and creative thinking, an alternative MBA has the potential to disrupt traditional educational paradigms. It is an invitation to envision education in a new light, where growth and transformation are at the forefront, pushing us towards a future where learning is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about fostering the potential within. Join the best alternative MBA program online, the

  • Affiliate Marketing

    What is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting another company’s products or services. You simply sign up for any brand’s affiliate program that you want to promote, then you will receive a unique affiliate URL which you can begin sharing. When any user clicks your special URL and makes a purchase, you will earn a commission! Affiliate marketing is how I got my start online as an entrepreneur years ago and I still make income from affiliate marketing today by promoting products and services I use and love… to my students! If you want to learn everything I know about affiliate marketing, join our Affiliate Bootcamp: When to use Affiliate Marketing? Whether if you have your own business or if you are just starting out, affiliate marketing should be a revenue stream for you! My clients often have just a single product or service they sell, but they have a large email list of customers. WHAT AN ASSET! What I always do is tell them to sign up for various relevant affiliate marketing programs so they can promote other brands' products (to their current email list of customers) and earn a commission for each sale! Obviously, you don’t want to SPAM your email list, so make sure to sign up to promote products that make sense for your customers. Now if you don’t have a brand or email list, you can still begin with affiliate marketing right away. You just need to sign up for affiliate marketing programs with products/services you want to promote for a commission! Look at yourself as a SALES REP for this brand! Best Affiliate Marketing Programs One of the biggest affiliate marketing programs I started with (and still use today) is the Amazon affiliate program (properly called Amazon Associates). You can promote and earn a commission for ANY product sold on (we see a great ROI from creating blog posts that are a REVIEW of XYZ product, featuring that product’s affiliate link throughout the post). Amazon Associates: Next, I use Commission Junction. You can earn commissions by partnering with the world’s most widely recognized brands. CJ truly enables you to promote some of the biggest brand names, BUT you will need a website that has some decent and relevant traffic to get approved by some brands. For example, if I have the website and I wanted to include an affiliate link to a pair of Nike sneakers, you could apply to the Nike affiliate program on Commission Junction and then earn a commission for each sale your website drives to Commission Junction: ClickBank is great for beginners as nearly anyone can apply and start promoting affiliate products right away. Clickbank does skew more towards information products (which does allow for higher commissions for you since their is no COGS for the supplier). As you can see in my ClickBank screenshot below, we sort products to promote by Avg. $/sale with a Gravity of at least 5 (i.e at least 5 successful affiliate sales). Take a look at the best-selling products to get inspired by landing pages that CONVERT! ClickBank: Now this is just the start of possible affiliate marketing programs. But really, if you love XYZ product, contact them directly to see is they have an affiliate marketing program in place so you can promote their brand and earn a commission for any sales via your special affiliate URL. Even we at Coursenvy have an affiliate program! Coursenvy: Another awesome affiliate program to check out is ClickFunnels. They turn their customers into affiliates DAY 1. ClickFunnels offer affiliates 40% commission on lifetime subscriptions and pitches it as “We’ll Cover The Lease Of Your Dream Car!” ClickFunnels: Get 100 Active Members, We’ll Cover The Lease Of Your Dream Car ($500 / Month) Other Affiliate Marketing Programs Here is a list of other affiliate marketing programs with products we love promoting for a commission and strategies: -Search google for “XYZ PRODUCT affiliate program” or “XYZ BRAND affiliate program” -Rakuten Affiliate Network -AllOutAds -MaxBounty -JumbleBerry -ShareASale Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Coursenvy courses at: Learn how to earn a passive income with affiliate marketing. Download the Ultimate Affiliate Marketing Guide

  • Real Estate Syndication

    Do you want to learn how to buy an apartment complex? Interested in how I averaged 8.5% per year cash-on-cash returns (not including profits from the sale of my apartment complexes)? Would you like to learn how I got a 21.5% annualized cash-on-cash return (IRR) after selling an apartment complex? Sign up for the real estate syndicate website I use: Real Estate Syndication Terminology To familiarize yourself with the real estate syndication industry, here are some of the key terms you should learn: 100:10:3:1 Rule – How I Evaluate 100 Rental Properties in Under an Hour I think the best practice for new investors is to learn how to run the numbers on potential property investments. I practice the “100:10:3:1 Rule” I read about again and again in all the real estate books I consumed those first 10 years. 100:10:3:1 Rule: To buy ONE real estate investment, you’ll need to run the numbers on 100 properties, makes offers on 10 of them, attempt to finance 3 of them, and finally buy ONE of them! Running the numbers should only take you a minute or less. I’m not saying do a full underwriting for each one of these 100 properties you review. For those 10 you make offers on… YES, perform a complete due diligence with your team, but for the initial number crunching, I use these metrics: Cap Rate = Net Operating Income (NOI) / Total Purchase Price The NOI is equal to your gross rent minus all of the property’s operating expenses (such as vacancy, management, taxes, insurance, repairs, HOA, etc. — these expenses DO NOT include financing/debt servicing). For example, let’s say an apartment generates $60,000 per year in NOI and its total purchase price is $900,000… so $60,000 / $900,000 = a 6.67% cap rate (that is the unleveraged return). The cap rate is a quick way to tells us how much money a property makes AFTER expenses. I typically require a cap rate be over 5-6%. The 1% Rule = Gross Monthly Rent is greater than or equal to 1% of the Total Purchase Price For example, say an apartments gross monthly rent is $7,700 and its total purchase price is $900,000… 1% x $900,000 = $9,000… so our gross rent of $7,700 is NOT greater than 1% of the properties purchase price, so this FAILS the 1% rule. Another way I tweak this 1% rule is to find the optimal “offer price” for this investment property. OFFER PRICE = Gross Monthly Rent / 1% Our offer price for this example would be $7,700 / 1% = $770,000… so if all your other due diligence checks out on this property, you would submit an offer of $770,000 and hopefully their counter-offer would save you a ton of money on this property, making the numbers work in your favor! The 50% Rule = Net Operating Income (NOI) is greater than or equal to (50% x Gross Rent) For example, let’s say an apartment generates $60,000 per year in NOI and its gross rent is $92,400… so $60,000 = (50% x $92,400)… so $60,000 = $46,200 Our NOI is a bit higher than our 50% rule, which means more money for us… but it also may mean the seller is “fudging” on the numbers and further due diligence is required to insure all our expenses are correct. Cash on Cash Return = Net Income (after debt servicing) / Down Payment For example, let’s say an apartment nets $30,000 per year income after ALL expenses (including debt servicing). Let’s say the seller counters with an offer of $800,000 for the property. My bank needs 30% down for this multifamily, so that is $800,000 x 30% = $240,000 down payment. My Cash on Cash Return is $30,000 / $240,000 = 12.5% (this is amazing, what savings account will get you a 12.5% return!) Start Investing in Real Estate Join us on the Fundrise real estate investing platform:

  • Landing Pages

    What is a Landing Page? A landing page is any web page that a visitor can land on. BUT, when I (and most marketers) discuss landing pages, we are talking about the web page a user lands on with your intended goal of making a conversion (sale, email sign-up form, eBook giveaway, etc. incentive to CAPTURE that users information, particularly their email address for future marketing!) Now let’s say you go to all the work of getting a new visitor to your landing page, but then they just leave. Wah wahhh… All visitors will eventually leave, but if you get them to subscribe to some INCENTIVE they will be part of your community, and they’ll come back again and again with the power of email marketing/landing page creating services like ConvertKit. Incentives play a huge role in making your offer enticing and they definitely help with conversion rates. But a good incentive will be lost on a visitor that never sees it or that is so distracted by random content they don’t realize it is supposed to be the focus of the entire page. 4 Ways to Improve your Landing Pages Have a single call to action Add a strong headline Cut out the extra “stuff” Add a “What is this page about?” image/visual 1. Have a single call to action A call to action—also known as a CTA—is where you try to get your visitor to do something more than read your content and hit the back button. In my case that “something” is to have you enter your email address on a landing page (our FREE landing page builder — affiliate link) NEVER ask visitors to do multiple things. SINGLE objectives lead to higher conversion rates! So choose which OBJECTIVE is the most important and leave the rest out! Instead of asking for both a product pre-order AND an email opt-in, just ask for the email opt-in. Then have an automated email course that drips out to them over the next week or two that includes a CTA to pre-order the product. Click here to learn more about automation emails. 2. Add a strong headline The headline’s job is to get the visitor to start reading the page. In newspaper terms it’s “the hook.” Spend time to get it right—for your target audience. It should draw in the right people and turn away those who aren’t in your target market. A common technique is to focus on a pain the visitor has. Look at this book sale landing pages headline: “The idea that authors can’t make money is bull****.” They focused on the pain that most authors don’t make any money from their books. 3. Cut out the extra stuff Why do you have categories, tags, and a bunch of other info next to each post on your blog? Why do you have navigation across the top of your landing page? Make all the content FOCUS the visitors towards the Call to Action! 4. Add a “What is this page about?” image/visual The last thing I like to add to every landing page is a quick graphic that explains what the page is about. If you have an iPhone with an app on the screen front and center, I’m going to immediately know this page is about an iPhone app. The Top 5 Landing Page Examples Now that you know what a landing page is and what makes a good one… take “inspiration” (COPY! …cough cough) from these Top Landing Pages! #1 What a great landing page, huh? First off, that headline… “Earn Money on Your Schedule”… perfect! Plus the lead capture form is very short and easy to fill out. Then it finishes with a nice clean photo of an Uber driver in action. The only flaw I see if the “distraction” in the top right corner… the “Ride with Uber” link. If this is a landing page just for getting new drivers to sign up, don’t distract them! #2 Simple, clean, a list of steps to come… and what I love most, that first step doesn’t scare you away with the full address and credit card claim… just your email address. Genius! So no matter what… even if you don’t claim this free $30, Blue Apron will have your email address for remarketing until you do purchase! #3 Ramit Sethi and “i will teach you to be rich” has their stuff together. Amazing design and an elegant white theme on his site exude success. Many of his blog posts lead to this simple, but DIRECT email sign up form for his books… “EARN MORE MONEY… 100% privacy, no games, no B.S., no spam”. #4 GREAT headline! If you are a blogger looking to create ebooks for your lead funnels… BOOM! They’ll get you with this highly targeted niche sign-up. I love creating forms that create hyper segmented email lists. #5 Look at that clear visual… we make CODING simple! Then the Call to Action (CTA)… “Sign up and start coding in second”… Amazing landing page! Landing Page Hacks Webinar Want to learn more about Landing Pages and Sales Funnels? Take this FREE webinar! Just click the image below: Best Landing Pages Resources The Complete Landing Page Course: 17 Best Landing Page Examples: 35 Beautiful Landing Page Design Examples to Drool Over: 16 of the Best Landing Page Design Examples You Need to See: 100 Landing Page Examples to Model Your Next Page After: Leadpages Landing Pages FREE Guide: Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Coursenvy courses at: Create and test beautiful landing pages that generate leads and look great on any device — no web developer required: Free Landing Page Builder

  • Instagram Hacks

    Did you know you could schedule your Instagram posts in advance? Or optimize your bio to appear in the Explore tab? There are countless lesser-known Instagram features, settings, hacks, and search options to help take your Instagram game to the next level. And we've compiled them all here: 31 Instagram Features, Hacks, & Tips Check out my favorite Instagram Hacks, Tools & Software! Create PERFECTLY edited images, quotes, and custom posts on Optimize your Instagram posts right from your desktop, making copying and pasting text very easy with Plan all your Instagram posts a month in advance with Planoly and Later. Engage with users and conduct Instagram monitoring and manage engagement across multiple accounts from one inbox with The Ultimate Guide to Creating Instagram Videos IMAGE EDITING APPS FOR INSTAGRAM: WordSwagg Canva VSCOcam Flipagram Videohance Snapseed InstaSize Phonto 10 Tips for More Instagram Followers Must-read blog post: How to Get More Followers on Instagram: 10k Instagram Followers in 2 Weeks Foundr is one of my favorite resources as a business owner… read this article for some Instagram follower hacks: We also love Foundr’s FREE Masterclass: Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Coursenvy courses at: Learn How to Create Captivating Visuals, Grow Your Following, and Drive Engagement on Instagram. Download the Ultimate Guide to Instagram Marketing

  • Track Stock Trades of Millionaires and Billionaires

    Did you know that you can track the stock trade made by millionaires and billionaires? This is done via 13F filings required by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) for all institutional investment managers with at least $100 million in assets under management. For example, Michael Burry (remember him from the movie The Big Short) sold ALL of his stock last quarter! Does he know the stock market is going to crash later in 2022?!? How to Search and Read 13F Filings on Other Stock Tracking Resources Besides the SEC, there are several websites and Twitter accounts I suggest following for tracking stock trades of the wealthy. View employee trading activity at public companies (e.g. CEOs) Michael Burry @BurryTracker Warren Buffett @BuffetTracker Ray Dalio @DalioTracker Bill Ackman @AckmanTracker

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