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  • Thrive by Arianna Huffington Book Summary

    Book Summary — Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder by Arianna Huffington Thanks for checking out our Thrive by Arianna Huffington book summary! The author is most well-known worldwide for her website While she has become what most see as a powerful and successful person, this book really pulls back the curtain on her personal life and how she navigated from a work exhaustion accident to define what “success” really is. #1 – As a society, we have compartmentalized success into two metrics; Money and Power. But the author simplifies a successful life by comparing it to a stool… it needs a minimum of 3 legs to stand. Money and power alone are not enough. In order to have a successful and fulfilled life, we need a third metric (or leg), which is THRIVING! Thriving includes four pillars: Well-Being, Wisdom, Wonder, and Giving. #2 – Unplug daily. At minimum, allocate 2 hours per day without technology. No TV. No computer. No cellphone. Spend this time reading a book. Meditate. Improve your health with exercise. Or simply focus on relationships and conversations with those around you. Our mind was not built to stare at screens all day, so we need to schedule in these moments of mindfulness. Instead of jumping on your phone the next time you have a break, just take a moment to breathe and enjoy your non-technological surroundings. The architecture of a building. A blooming tree. Literally, “stop and smell the roses”. I know this sounds cheesy, but we get so caught up on work and technology that we suppress our sense of wonder and mindfulness. Also on the topic of technology, the author mentioned sleep. First, no screens ONE hour before bed. Second, avoid having your cell phone in your bedroom at night. And third, get 8 hours of sleep per night. Anybody who tells you they don’t need 8 hours of sleep is lying to you and themselves. They are not working at their full potential with anything less than 8 hours of sleep. #3 – Meditation is a powerful tool that most people have heard of, but never use. Meditation is like a free magical prescription for mental health, without all the side effects! By simply taking a few moments each day to calm your thoughts, you can change your mood and physical health for the better. Many people think they can’t meditate or that they are doing it wrong or they don’t have an hour to waste on meditating each day. There is no wrong way to meditate. Start simple. Have a seat. Close your eyes. Breathe in through your nose, filling your lungs to their fullest capacity, then exhale through your mouth. Let your busy thoughts slip away by focusing on counting each breath in and each breath out until you get to 100. This should only take you 5 minutes. Seriously try this now and comment how you feel below! #4 – Giving is a hard thing for some people. They come from a place of scarcity so they don’t want to give money to charity or donate their time. They say they will once they are rich. Now you aren’t kidding anybody. If you aren’t forming the habit of being charitable now, you sure won’t once you are rich. Scientific studies have shown giving is a key element of happiness. So again, start small. Giving doesn’t mean you have to cut a check to XYZ charity every month, it can be as simple as giving someone a compliment each day. Or doing a chore for a friend. How about scooping the snow off your elderly neighbor’s driveway? The ideas for giving value to others is truly limitless. #5 – The third metric of success, “THRIVING”, is impossible without growth! Ask yourself, how are you becoming wiser and growing daily? This Fear of Inspiring Peeps blog is a great start! So do one thing daily to stretch yourself mentally and physically. Whether that is a workout class or reading a book or trying something new… never stop learning! #6 – Gratitude journals. Set a reminder on your phone for 2-3 minutes every morning you wake up or at night before you go to bed. Simply write down 5 things you are grateful for… it could be from that day, it could be a memory, a loved one, it could be for that you are grateful for your health… the things to be grateful for are endless. But once you acknowledge them in the written form, it is scientifically proven to induce happiness! I personally think this is a great practice to introduce to your entire family at breakfast or dinner each day. #7 – What is the point of your life? Wow, deep question right? The author implores us to ask ourselves this big question often in order to push ourselves to become the best version of ourselves and lead a fulfilled, “successful” life. Book Summaries by Join thousands of students in the top-rated online courses The goal with Coursenvy is to create a one-stop shop for knowledge so anyone can start their own work from home business; whether that is a Facebook ads pro, social media marketing ad agency, ecommerce store, Amazon FBA seller, website developer, AWS architect… the opportunities to work for yourself after taking Coursenvy’s courses are endless!

  • Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity Book Summary

    Book Summary — Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen and James Fallows #1 – There is a high tendency of not reacting accordingly to the situation when something happens beyond your control. For instance, unexpected additional requests from a colleague may make you treat them poorly due to overwhelming stress. You can prevent such an ugly scenario by knowing the GETTING THINGS DONE METHOD. Letting its principles guide you will clear your mind and make your thoughts organized thereby allowing you to accomplish more or achieve better results. #2 – With a long list of pending things to do, people store all the related information in their mind. It is actually counterintuitive since the OPEN LOOPS, which are unsolved problems and pending tasks, pops on your mind every now and then. Remembering such veers away your attention from what you are currently doing. GETTING THINGS DONE METHOD (GTD) lets you properly manage the open loops and keeps you on track via five steps. Capture the open loops and ideas. Clarify to understand the items. Organize to put the items where it belongs. Reflect to be able to trust the system in place. Engage to simply do what you need to. #3 – To be able to implement the GTD properly, the right workplace, tools, and filing system needs to be set up first. A workplace should have all the relevant materials whether it is in the office, at home, or a mobile one. Ensure that you don’t share a physical workspace with anyone to avoid being distracted in fixing it to your preferred arrangement. Meanwhile, for tools, you will need a writing surface, office supplies, and digital devices such as computer and phone. The right tools will allow you to set up both a physical and digital filing system which keeps the information you will need in an organized manner. For a physical filing system, file the category in alphabetical order for finding documents quickly. On the other hand, it helps to have an organized folder system for a digital filing. Once the systems are in place, remove unwanted documents and reorganize files at least once a year to keep it functional. #4 -The first crucial step to the GTD is to CAPTURE your open loops and ideas using the tools you have to keep it out of your mind. This means if you need to set an appointment, you thought of a good activity, and etc., you need to take note of it in detail on a tool you can easily access when you need the information. It can be in a notebook, notes app on your smartphone, or sticky notes on your computer. #5 – As you can write pretty much anything in the collection tool, the next step of the GTD method requires you to CLARIFY to understand the item so you can empty your collection tool. You can do it by asking yourself these questions, “What is it?” and “Is it actionable? and then you move on the next step which is ORGANIZE. If you determined that it is not actionable, there are three possibilities: It is trash so you do not need it anymore. No action is needed now but something might need to be done later. This may be the places you want to visit in the future, the lessons you want to take, and so on. Put it on the someday/maybe list. Despite the list’s name, it is worth keeping so putting up a TICKLER SYSTEM (i.e. 1 file folder for each month of tasks) to remind you of what you need at a designated time in the future. The item is useful information that might be needed for later. Store it as reference material. If you determined that it is actionable, you have several options: If the action will take less than two minutes, it should be done right away. If the action will take longer than two minutes, ask yourself, “Am I the right person to do this?” Delegate it to the right person if the answer is no. This should go to waiting for list. If the action will take longer than two minutes, you are the right person to do it, and it requires more than one step to accomplish it, put it in the projects list. Ensure that your project should have a clear and defined next action to propel it. If the action will take longer than two minutes and you are the right person to do it, defer acting on it. However, determine whether it should be placed on the CALENDAR LIST or the NEXT ACTION LIST. For the CALENDAR LIST, there are three things that go on it: Time-specific actions which are for appointments. Day-specific actions which are things you need to do sometimes on a certain day but not necessarily on a specific time. Day-specific information which is information that is useful on a certain date. An action for this isn’t necessarily needed. On the other hand, everything else you need to do goes on the NEXT ACTION LIST. Categorizing each list of tasks according to context is more viable. Example of category depending on context “when at the airport” list of what to do. When undertaking a project, it is helpful to classify the actions needed to be undertaken into the Calendar list and Next Action list as well. #6 – After organizing the tasks and setting up a system for reminders, the fourth step of the GTD is to REFLECT to be able to trust the system in place. This means incessantly reviewing the organized to-do lists and habitually conducting a comprehensive weekly review of all your next actions, calendar, waiting for, projects and even someday/maybe lists. By doing so, your mind will feel relaxed since you are assured that the system helps you achieve everything you need to do. #7 – The final step to the GTD process is ENGAGE or choosing which item to focus on at a moment to get things done. There are four criteria in choosing which action to do: Context. Available time. Available energy. Priority. It is best to have your lists with you always to take advantage of down times. #8 – To be able to understand what needs to be prioritized, it is helpful to think in terms of horizon based on a six-level model. Ground: Current actions. This is the actions you need to take. Horizon 1: Current projects. These are relatively short goals that needed to be achieved with more than one step. Horizon 2: Areas of focus and responsibilities. These are key areas in your work and life wherein you want to achieve results. Horizon 3: One-to-two year goals. These are things you want to accomplish which influence aspects of your life. For instance, you want to attain a job promotion. Horizon 4: Long-term vision. This is what you want your life to look like in three to five years. Decisions at this level can alter your career or family aspirations. Horizon 5: Life purpose. This is the overall basis of your reason for existence so it influences all the previous horizons. A bottom-up approach allows you to clear daily tasks so eventually, you will have the energy to make life-changing decisions. Even after defining the various horizons, you are required to review the levels at proper intervals e.g. ground level needs to be reviewed daily. #9 – Overall, by implementing the GTD process, you are productive despite having too much to do. Book Summaries by Join thousands of students in the top-rated online courses The goal with Coursenvy is to create a one-stop shop for knowledge so anyone can start their own work from home business; whether that is a Facebook ads pro, social media marketing ad agency, ecommerce store, Amazon FBA seller, website developer, AWS architect… the opportunities to work for yourself after taking Coursenvy’s courses are endless!

  • How to Rank a Product to Number 1 on Amazon

    My clients often ask me, how do I get my products on Amazon ranking in the #1 position? Here is my favorite ranking formula that I use for my business and my clients every day. It helps me rank products within 8 to 16 days and it works like a charm! Step #1 – Install Helium 10 for Free First, head over to to install your Helium 10 chrome extension for FREE! The keyword research you can perform with Helium 10 is also a bonus (so you know which keywords to target). Step #2 – Create Your Ranking Formula The ranking formula I am talking about is called the “2-step storefront URL on Amazon“. This is the URL you will share with your customers when promoting your giveaway (or heavily discounted product) that will help boost your Amazon ranking! Here is a tutorial for creating the 2-step storefront URL: How to Rank a Product to Number 1 on Amazon Using the Helium 10 tool Cerebro we can find the Cerebro Product Rank or CPR…. then know how many items to give away to rank for that keyword. Pairing CPR with the 2-step URL is my secret sauce for ranking products on Amazon! Learn more here:

  • How to Start a Podcast

    Looking for “How to Start a Podcast”? Well, you landed in the right place! Podcasts are a perfect way for any niche or business to create a new lead generation strategy and potentially a new stream of income! We walk you step by step how to start a podcast in our FREE course on! Click this link to join the course for FREE: The rest of this blog post includes a few key topics from the podcasting course described in much greater detail. We will CONSTANTLY be updating this podcast resource page, so bookmark this and check back often. Enjoy! Podcasting Equipment 101 Podcast Editing Tutorials (Audacity for PC -- GarageBand for Mac) Top Podcast Directories to Publish your Podcast On Submit your podcast feed URL to the following podcast directories for the maximum exposure of your podcast! We personally use the FREE podcast platform: iTunes / Apple Podcasts – If you only have time for one… this one is a must! iTunes is the directory many podcast player apps pull their podcast feeds from (like Overcast, Podcast Addict, etc.), so they will automatically be updated when new episodes come out via this initial iTunes connection. Spotify – Linked with your Libsyn account! Google Play – Stitcher – TuneIn – How to Start a Podcast MUST READS How to Start a Podcast in 2018 – Pat Flynn’s Complete Step-By-Step Podcasting Tutorial: The Top 10 Tips for Brand New Podcasters: How to Build Popular Podcasts: 8 Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Do A Podcast: The Top 10 Secrets Of Podcasting: Top 10 Podcast Recording Tips to Sound Like a Podcasting Pro: How to Prepare for An Awesome Podcast Interview: Podcast Monetization and Sponsorship 101: The Top 10 Secrets Of Successful Podcasting: How I Built a #1-Ranked Podcast With 60M+ Downloads: How to Promote Your New Podcast: My Podcast Case Study Like any proper “online scientist” you have to test what you learn! So I did just that and started a podcast! As I describe in our “How to Start a Podcast” course, knowing your WHY for creating a podcast first is the most important thing! Knowing your why is the most crucial question to answer before you launch your podcast because if your why isn’t strong enough, you will quickly burn out and quit recording new episodes after a few months. I tell my students you need to be willing to commit to a podcast for a minimum of 12 months. You have to be willing to record and release podcast after podcast with the assumption that NOBODY is going to download or listen to your podcast, and that you will make ZERO dollars. You are creating this podcast because you just love it so much! Now, this blog and our podcasting course will help ensure you do get downloads and listeners, but it is best to assume your podcast won’t be a huge success. Step 1: Create an AVATAR of your perfect listener! What podcasts are lacking in your niche? What problem has still gone unsolved for your avatar that your podcast could solve? Step 2: Pick your niche! The key to picking your niche and potentially the next big idea in the podcasting world, is finding where your loves and skills overlap. You never want to get burnt out on your podcast, so that is why you should pick a podcast topic you not only enjoy, but are an expert at as well. Step 3: Buy the proper equipment and software! I prefer USB mics mounted on a boom arm, with a pop filter. The Blue Snowball is my USB mic of choice! As for recording and editing software, the best (and FREE) is GarageBand for Mac or Audacity for PC. Here is my podcast setup! Step 4: Plan, Practice, and Promote! Test your equipment. Plan your podcast outline, format, questions, segments, music, intro, outro, etc. Practice a mock interview/recording. Be OVERPREPARED for your first podcast! Record your first episode and get it published on your podcast host (we love Libsyn). Now it is time to submit your first podcast episode to iTunes/Apple Podcasts at: Your goal is to get in the “New & Noteworthy” section of iTunes within the first 8 weeks of launching your podcast! These first 8 weeks are crucial for your long-term success. Promote your podcast anywhere and everywhere. Share it with your current email list. Have your guests on the podcast share it with their email list and/or social media. If you have the budget for ad spend, use ads on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter targeted at your “avatar” or niche demographic. Run a giveaway contest to get reviews on iTunes… basically make a review on your iTunes podcast the “entry” and then your prize can be anything from a gift card, to Bitcoin, to t-shirts, etc.! Start a unique hashtag for your podcast. This will build in clout over time as you consistently use it again and again on all social networks. For example, #morningenvy How to Start a Podcast… YOUR TURN! It’s your turn! START A PODCAST! Take action today! Get people to subscribe to your podcast on iTunes and give me a 5-star review… by subscribing they will automatically download your latest podcast on your podcast app of choice… then by leaving you a 5-star review they are further helping your podcast rank in search results. The iTunes algorithm's two most important metrics for ranking podcasts are total 5-star reviews and the total number of podcast downloads per episode.

  • How to Get Reviews on Amazon

    Our readers email us often asking questions like, “how to get Amazon reviews legally?” or “what’s the best way to get Amazon reviews?” or “how to get reviews on Amazon?” Amazon’s algorithm favors products with higher reviews and higher sales. Students taking our Amazon Seller Mastery course know how to get Amazon reviews and spike sales! So if you aren’t already a student, let me let you in our little secret for getting endless 5-star reviews on our Amazon product listings! How to Get More Reviews on Your Amazon Private Label Listings First of all, you should never launch a product on Amazon without having a list of potential customers. Even if that is a SMALL list of friends and family! Why a list of customers is crucial when you launch a new private label product listing on Amazon is because your new product will have ZERO reviews and a low ranking BSR (Best Seller Rank) because of no sales yet. So at minimum, I want at least one sale per day for the first week when I launch a product (if you can afford to sell more at a discount, the better)! So once you create and launch your product listing on Amazon, create a SALES PRICE on the “Offers” tab of the Amazon product listing page. Set this sales price as low as you are comfortable setting it (typically $6-$10 is what I do — this keeps the Amazon Prime products at 2-day shipping and above the “ADD-ON” only price). Then email the product listing to your family and friends in a strategic way so they all don’t purchase it on the same day (i.e. email the link to 1-2 people per day). You want to spread out the sales evenly over 1-2 weeks to spike the BSR! Finally, make sure to mention how important reviews are for your products (without flat out asking them for a review which is against the Amazon TOS… but wink wink, they are family… I TELL THEM, “Hey, here is the link to my XYZ discounted product for TODAY ONLY. Buy it, then leave me a review at this link once you receive the product. Thanks!”) Avoid Friends & Family to Get Reviews on Amazon If you don’t want to bother your friends and family (which trust me, will get old after you launch a few products on Amazon), use my FAVORITE software for getting Amazon reviews legally! And get a FREE trial with our special link (*disclaimer, affiliate link): JungleScout enables Amazon sellers to distribute deals and coupons for their products! With JungleScout I can avoid bothering my friends for reviews. I simply log on to JungleScout, create my Amazon listing promotion, then sit back and let their MASSIVE source of active bargain hunters buy up my deals… therefore spiking my BSR and reviews! Running discounted deals is hands down the #1 way to quickly generate more sales on Amazon. Thus, leading to higher ranking in Amazon search results, more reviews, more sales… WIN WIN WIN!

  • How to Rank a Website 1st in Google Search

    Common questions I get from clients about leads include: How do I get free leads? How to Rank a Website 1st in Google Search How do I create a landing page/lead capture form? What domains should I buy for lead capture forms? How do I rank simple 1-page websites in Google? Don’t fret… these are my favorite questions to answer! Let me do so in the simplest steps possible. (And if you would rather us do this for you, check out our ad agency at Top 6 Steps to Create Lead Capturing Landing Pages Sign up for our exclusive FREE domain and discounted hosting (just click this affiliate link): (Advertiser Disclosure Learn how to build a simple WordPress website (1-page landing page) in under 4 minutes by watching the video below: Click this link below to claim Your FREE Book “The Complete Guide to Email Marketing”: I have collabed with ConvertKit to provide you with a FREE book on email marketing! Our best practices, advice, and some advanced strategies are compiled into the free book just for you. Once you start getting all these leads from your website, you will NEED to know what to do with them (i.e. EMAIL MARKETING)! Take your landing pages to the NEXT LEVEL! Read my blog: THE TOP 3 SECRETS to creating a lead generation sales funnel that converts! That’s it! I like to look at everything I do online as a FUNNEL. Every piece of content you create should act as a vehicle for promoting your brand and working potential clients towards an eventual sale. Create media that is so good, potential clients will give you their contact info for more (email, phone number, social media pixel traffic, etc.)! Once the audience is warm and receptive to your free media/content, you can then market your PAID products/services to them as they will be more likely to convert. See how we worked our customers DOWN the funnel all via media?! EVERY BRAND MUST BE ITS OWN MEDIA COMPANY! So besides creating great content to post on your various social media accounts and blogs, I like to take advantage of keyword-based organic Google search traffic, as we described in the steps above. First, analyze your potential keywords for your domain names and content. We use Long Tail Pro for this Next, upload a lead capture form on your keyword-based website. This is your “contact info trade” for more free content. Learn how here: To take your lead capture (or LANDING PAGE) game to the next level and to learn my TOP 3 FUNNEL SECRETS, check out this blog post: Then create blog posts, pages, videos, and other media to share on your keyword domain. Make sure to include relevant keywords in your content (pages/posts) and publish your WordPress blog to Google via your Search Console so your site gets crawled ( Finally, to increase your organic views ASAP, you need to increase your website clout. I do this with FREE backlinks! Learn how I get backlinks here: Sit back and watch the organic leads flow in! Thanks again students!

  • Blockchain Activity Matrix

    Are you stumped by which cryptocurrency coins and tokens you should invest in? I have various rules I follow and steps I take when evaluating new altcoins, but they all truly boil down to a few key things. Does the coin have utility value? What problem is it solving that is different from Bitcoin or Ethereum? If you can use Bitcoin or Ethereum in the same way… the coin or token is 9 out of 10 times worthless. I need a coin/token that stands apart (and can stand alone) from these two main ones (BTC and ETH hold the lion’s share of the cryptocurrency market value and solve most issues thus far). How quickly can I buy and sell the cryptocurrency? This is liquidity. I typically want a minimum of a 9-figure (anything over $99,999,999) market capitalization (total money invested in that crypto), so I can easily get in and out of my crypto holdings. Is anybody actually using this cryptocurrency? This is where blockchain activity comes in and the use of the Blockchain Activity Matrix at: As you can see in the image below, the total actual transactions (activity) on each cryptocurrency blockchain below for the past 24 hours: Which Crypto Should I Buy? We cover how to research and buy a cryptocurrency in our Cryptocurrency Mastery course: If you REALLY enjoyed this content, please the team a Bitcoin donation so we can keep creating content and courses like this: Bitcoin Wallet Address: 143vLEzxy6ri3hBaUbboHbsaWLSL1ziWof Thanks again for reading our post and make sure to perform ample due diligence before investing your own hard-earned money in cryptocurrency. This is a very speculative market that is just in the FIRST inning. There is CRAZY money to be made in cryptocurrencies, but as much or more will be lost while this new market grows. Our mantra at Coursenvy… EDUCATION EDUCATION EDUCATION! “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” – Albert Einstein PRO TIP: Safely Store Your Crypto on a Wallet Get a wallet to store your cryptocurrency safely offline:

  • What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin explained and made simple!

    Do get what bitcoin is? Confused by the concept of cryptocurrencies? FEAR NOT! Watch the video below to explain what bitcoin actually is, where the idea for it came from and the impact Bitcoin and crypto is having around the world. Are you ready to jump in and buy your first Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin? Step #1 – Create a Coinbase account (CLICK HERE for a free $10 worth of Bitcoin) Step #2 – Fund your Coinbase account with USD. Treat this new account like you would a new stock exchange account. Step #3 – Get a crypto cold hardware wallet to store your cryptocurrency safely offline: Step #4 – Install and set up a 2-Factor Authentication (Two Factor Authentication) on your smartphone, such as “Google Authenticator”. By doing this, when you sign in to your Coinbase account, you will be prompted to also input a 6 digit code from your Google Authenticator app, therefore adding a second layer of security when signing into your Coinbase account.

  • Top 6 Ways to Improve your Advertising Cost of Sales ACoS

    Improving your Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) is a key way to ensure your Amazon advertising campaigns deliver sales at the right cost for your business. EXAMPLE: Total Ad Spend = $1,062.77 Total Sales from that Ad Spend = $32,592.69 ACoS = Total Ad Spend / Total Sales from that Ad Spend = 3.26% Lower your bids on keywords with higher ACoS Optimize your keywords and match types Increase bids on the highest performing keywords Setup ad groups by ACoS goal Enhance your product detail pages Test headlines and images Next, install JungleScout at:

  • Meditation 101 - The Complete Guide to Meditating

    Today I am going to talk about MEDITATION. No no… please don’t run away! Many people make the task of meditating out to be as scary as lions and tigers and bears… but rest assured, I too thought about it the same way! I thought only “hippies” meditated. But after reading about and studying the daily practices of successful people… meditation became a common recurring theme. Now with the growing following (and venture capitalist investments) in meditation apps like Headspace and Calm, I only see the practice of meditation becoming more and more of a common daily routine for people. Headspace’s EPIC Breakdown of Making Meditating Easier This video created is the best analogy for meditation! I love their comparison of your mind/thoughts to passing cars on a busy road. Don’t try to STOP the traffic. Don’t try to analyze every passing car. Learn to sit on the side of the road and let the cars (your THOUGHTS) pass on by. My Daily Practice 1. Start your Day with “Thank You” + “You can’t have what YOU want until you’re grateful for what YOU have.” – Justin O’Brien, Founder Hey, you woke up… say THANK YOU! By saying or thinking this simple thought first thing every day, you will put yourself in a state of gratitude. Tony Robbins starts every day with gratitude! He says getting into a state of gratitude is necessary each and every day because of its ability to overpower the dangerous emotions that can knock us off course throughout the day. “The two emotions that mess us up the most are fear and anger, and you can’t be grateful and fearful simultaneously. They don’t go together! And you can’t be angry and grateful simultaneously,” Robbins says. Make GRATITUDE a focal point for you each day! 2. Journal for 5-10 Minutes I call this my morning #BrainDump! These words should come with ease. Don’t FORCE 10 minutes of writing! Rather just let the words come naturally. This can include thoughts you’ve been having, your to do lists, your goals, and so much more! Quiet the “chatter” in your head and get it on paper. Simply create a Google Doc and name it “Daily Journal”. Bookmark a direct link to that Google Doc and place the bookmark tab in the FIRST position on your browser so you don’t forget to journal first thing every morning when you turn on your computer. Here’s what I include in my journal: 10 things I’m grateful for (being able to read, my family, a memory, a sunny day, being able to breathe, etc.) Affirmations that remind you of your unlimited potential as a human being! Write what you are committed to, what your purpose is, what your vision is, and what your goals are (be specific and make goals actionable/measurable so you can see progress when you look back at this journal in the future). These daily affirmations will re-energize you to take the necessary actions to live the life you truly want! Make sure to write present tense affirmations. If you speak it/write it, it is true (so don’t say you are stressed!) 10 ideas… they can be ANYTHING! Business ideas. New inventions. Jokes. Etc. Let go and forgive. Write down things you want to CHANGE for the better. Here’s an example: “Replace XYZ (i.e. money) is difficult, with XYZ is easy!” 3. Visualization “Seeing” what you want in your life is crucial! Some people like using physical vision boards that they can see daily to remind them of what they want in their life. You can simply create a vision board in a Word doc with pictures you find online… or use a website like: I personally just close my eyes and visualize my goals and what it will look like when I reach them. Be clear with your visions and visualize the exact experience you want (never visualize what you don’t want — focus on the positive!) I do this in the shower daily. The shower is what I call “lost time” (showering, driving a car, exercise, etc.) This is the time that I am not being productive in my life or business (I guess I will smell better and someone will appreciate that!) I typically fill all my “lost time” with activities like visualization, audiobooks, or podcasts. You have to shower, so why not take a minute to visualize your goals? Go to for the ULTIMATE morning routine! 4. Read If you have read any biographies or followed the advice of any successful people, READING is a common habit they all have! I personally have a Kindle e-reader that I read from every night. I have about 10 nonfiction books I am taking turns reading at any one time! The cool thing about Kindles is that you can email PDF files to your Kindle email address as an attachment in a blank email, then simply type “CONVERT” in the email subject field and Amazon will convert the PDF to a Kindle readable doc! To get your juices flowing on what to read, I suggest reading book summaries first! My favorite sites for book summaries include: Get Abstract – The world’s largest library of business book summaries. Expand your business knowledge with 5-page summaries that you can read in 10 minutes or less. Derek Sivers “Books I’ve read” Paul Minors Book Summaries 5. Exercise The dreaded word… EXERCISE. As a general goal, you should aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. This doesn’t mean sweating, huffing and puffing wind sprints followed by power cleans. This can be as simple as a brisk walk, riding a bike, doing push-ups and sit-ups, etc. I personally like to burn some calories while I work with my standing desk (more info here). When I am really pressed for time, I like to take advantage of HIIT exercises (high-intensity interval training). HIIT is a form of interval training consisting of cardiovascular exercise with alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise and less intense recovery periods. HIIT is the concept where one performs a short burst of high-intensity (or max-intensity) exercise followed by a brief low-intensity activity, repeatedly, until too exhausted to continue. Check out this 6-minute HIIT workout I do when I am in a time crunch but still NEED to workout for the day: Now It’s YOUR Turn! Have you started to experiment with these daily practices yet? Do you suggest another meditation app? What results are you seeing? COMMENT below!

  • Shopify Training Courses - Day #4

    You've made it to the FINAL day of our Shopify Training Courses... CONGRATS! In this final day of training, we will cover a few more Facebook marketing tips, setting up Facebook ad campaigns and finally getting your first Shopify sale... and beyond!!! Coursenvy has partnered with Shopify to give you FREE access to their eCommerce platform! SIGN UP NOW! Join our FULL Facebook Ads Mastery Course at

  • Shopify Reviews, Shopify Pricing & The Best Shopify Apps – Day #2

    In today's Shopify training we will be covering everything from Shopify layout, Shopify reviews, Shopify pricing and product listing build-outs, to the best Shopify apps! If you haven't signed up for a FREE Shopify account yet, do so with our Coursenvy + Shopify FREE trial link: Shopify Training Course - Day #2 TRANSCRIPT: Hey Ezra here with you. And in this video, we are going to look at our core store architecture. So, our goal is to generate a sale, but we kind of need to have an infrastructure of what our store, what our brand is, before we can drive people there and try to sell them stuff. So in general, your store is going to have a home page, and around your home page, you will probably going to have collections, or store pages, for your products. And then you actually are going to have product offer pages, that lead to a shopping cart. You might also have more informational pages like about us, contact us, things like that. And might even have a content blog that you use. So, this is what our homepage looks like. If you are going to, or to see some of my brands. Then we have a collection page here that kind of list out our different products on our store. We also do blog content, so we put a piece of content once a week and we send it to our subscribers. More importantly, though, we have the product detail page here, which is the actual offer page where people are going to be going to purchase your product. And then we got more informational page like privacy policy, contact us, shipping information, all the sort of informational pages people need to know before they buy from you. Then we have a shopping cart experience, and then a check-out and a thank you page. And these are all really easy to build inside of Shopify. It’s really good in Shopify because Shopify makes it so easy to modify via themes your cart page, your checkout page, your post-purchase thank you page, etc. So, the most common eCommerce sales funnels that I see and that people are using to be successful looks like this: An advertisement, and in our case, we’re going to be focusing on video ads because those are the most profitable for us. That leads directly to our product offer page, so skip the home page, skip the category page, goes directly to a product offer page. From there, our user can click add to cart and checkout, and buy from you. So, what we are really going to be focusing on the next couple of videos is, how to create winning product offer pages because, in order to get a sale, you have to actually convince someone to buy from you. And there is a lot that goes into persuading someone to do business with you. You’d to show them why they should buy from you. You have to tell them about the benefits of your product, so we’re going to dig really deep into the product offer page in the next video. And, that way, when we actually going to amplify our brand and sending visibility to it, we will have a page that will actually work. So, thanks so much for watching. I’ll see you there. Setting Shopify Pricing, Building Offer Pages & More! TRANSCRIPT: No matter what your sales funnel looks like, whether you’re using presale engagement pages, whether you are just linking directly to the offer page, which is by far, the most important page in your sales funnel. The product offer page or the product detail page, this is it. These are the most important pages on your store. The prospect is almost there, this page just needs to push them over the edge. So they are like, interested enough to actually check out the product, so you want to make sure that this page is set up for convergence. And there I go quoting myself again. So the question is, traditional versus long form. Which is better? Now the traditional page is what you see on the left, more of a traditional eCommerce page. We got some of the “hero shot“ and a carried set of images, sort of tabbed product information, that is more traditional eCommerce. And on the right side, you will see the long form page, which is more sort of long-form, left-right content. Now, the truth of the matter is that it doesn’t really matter because the elements on the page are the same. Best Shopify Apps TRANSCRIPT: Hey Ezra here with you. Let’s talk about the BEST SHOPIFY APPS that we plug into our store to make our store to make it work better. So there are some sort of must-have 3rd party applications: you want a Reviews widget, you want Exit-intent, you want a Landing page builder, and you want the ability to do cart-abandonment. And those are the sort of the one you have to have. We will talk about a few others as well but, without these you are not going to convert as well as you could. So, the reviews widget. You want the reviews widget to have a simple integration to your e-commerce store. You want it to be mobile responsive so that it looks good on mobile phones. You want it to be customizable so that it looks of the same colors and it is the same colors as your store. Hopefully, you can when it emails people and asks for reviews. And, hopefully, it got rich snippets built-in which means that when someone googles your product or your store it will say like YXZ stars, you know 3 stars out of 5 for that product, that what rich snippets mean: it’s like little markup data that passes to Google that tells Google what the reviews are on that product. Obviously, you also want multiple widgets so you can show the reviews on your product offer page but maybe you also want to show the reviews on your homepage in like a floating little bar, a floating little widget that you can click on, and pulls the reviews out. So multiple widgets is a cool feature. User-generated content is a very cool feature where people can add images and they can ask questions and things like that. Integration with your help desk so that like you get an email notification when a review comes in is also helpful and if you can get Q&A that’s great too. Now, the winner for Shopify stores and others is Yotpo. Yotpo is a phenomenal review system. The only downside is that is fairly expensive. Especially, you use their free plan to start but once you start getting into it, it gets really expensive so Shopify’s built widget is good too and much cheaper. And there is a bunch of review widget so you don’t need to use Yotpo, but you want to make sure your reviews widget has some of those elements and you definitely want a review widget in your product pages. Now, exit-intent, what is it? Exit-intent is a pop-up that happens in the browser window, so it's not an exit pop-up. It's more like on-site re-targeting and I will explain that in a moment. So, a great way to get leads pre-purchase so before someone buys, they come to your product pages and they come to your store and they try to leave, you pop-up a message that says “hey, you know, get this little piece of content” After they opt in you sent them back to your product offer page. Browse all the best Shopify apps directly at: Shopify Pricing, Cart and Checkout TRANSCRIPT: Hey Ezra here back with you. And continuing on our journey of optimizing our pages I just want to talk about the shopping cart and the checkout pages we use on our store to make our store sort of, converge as best as they possibly can. So the shopping cart and checkout. Not a lot to understand here about shopping cart pages as most e-commerce are going to come with a pretty decent shopping cart page. But some of the main elements that you want to have: Multiple calls-to-action. So multiple ways for people to move from the shopping cart to the checkout. You will want to use the isolation effect so you want those buttons to be different-colored than everything else on the page. So when people come to the cart they will see how to continue to the checkout. And you also want a progress bar to kind of let people know where they are in the process of checking out. Security and guarantee symbols are really important. And also you want to have a left navigation with links to all the relevant content so people don’t have to leave your shopping cart to get access to the content they need, like returns information and shipping information, stuff like that. You will want that stuff really visible from the shopping cart. A lot of times people abandon the shopping cart looking for information like that. And also obviously, the product image, contents of the cart and those things. That comes sort of the standard in pretty much any shopping cart today. And if you have a shipping calculator, where people can actually calculate how much shipping is going to cost, that will be a really sweet feature, it does help conversion rate. And then, I like to have the ability for customers to log in because we get a lot of returning customers. You don’t need customer accounts but, it is a good thing to have. So as you can see here we got our left menu where people can get access to the information they need. We got the multiple checkout buttons that are using the isolation effect, so it's the only time we are using that specific color on this page. We got our progress bar and we have got our security symbol. And we got a little comment box and you can see what products currently are in your cart, so that is our shopping cart. Here is a crate and barrel, the great e-commerce advertiser crate and barrel. And there is Zappo. As you can see a lot of folks, both of this folks have the multiple calls-to-action. They got some of the same elements so you will want to add those elements onto your shopping cart page. Now your checkout is pretty straight-forward and most of the time, you can’t actually modify checkout very much. Most checkouts are pretty static so Shopify doesn’t give you a lot of room to modify and that’s OK, it converges quite well. So congruence, it has got to look exactly like the shopping cart they were just in, have multiple payment options (like) Amazon, PayPal, Credit Card. As many payment options as you can add is a good thing. Single page checkout or pages that work like step 1, step 2, step 3, the way Shopify is laid out. When they are moving from page to page and each page looks different that is not so good. And finally, a coupon field: so, if you are using coupons in your marketing, you want to make sure that is easy for them to enter those coupons into the coupon field. Then, as we are here for the shopping cart and the checkout page. Simple stuff, but stuff I feel like you should know about your shopping cart and your checkout page. Enjoying our Shopify Training Course? How about a Shopify cost of $0?! Sounds good? Sign up now at: Sign up now at:

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