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  • 🥓 Bring Home the Crypto - Filecoin

    In this week's newsletter, I am researching Filecoin, a decentralized cloud storage network for data. Filecoin is basically a cryptocurrency that incentivizes a global network of computers to provide storage... it's like having a storage unit in every state, each storing a cherished box of your pet photos! WHY Filecoin rewards users FIL tokens for renting out free storage space on their computers (so far 3,600+ storage providers supply 15+ exbibytes of decentralized storage). Filecoin is a cheaper, faster, and more secure cloud storage option than centralized platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. With decentralized storage, the availability of data is not dependent on any one server or company. Filecoin is already 5.75x cheaper than Amazon S3’s base tier. Filecoin = $0.048/GB/year, AWS S3 = $0.276/GB/year Filecoin revenue was $110,000,000 in the last 365 days. Source: WHO UC Berkeley is using the Filecoin network for storing research data. By using decentralized cloud storage, Berkeley's research will maintain autonomy over the data, rather than relinquishing control of data to a centralized platform like AWS. Lockheed Martin is using Filecoin to build a decentralized storage network in space. A centralized, earth-based network like AWS would not be fast enough for data required on space missions. Filecoin is the official storage partner of the Flow Blockchain providing decentralized storage for NFTs minted by Dapper Labs. Dapper Labs is the company behind CryptoKitties, NBA Top Shot, and more! Grayscale Investments offers a dedicated Filecoin Trust investment option. Grayscale Investments had $43.6 billion in crypto assets under management (AUM) as of Dec. 31, 2021. The IPFS Union announced a $1.3 Billion investment in Filecoin mining infrastructure with the goal to add a Zettabyte of storage capacity. AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud store in aggregate less than a Zettabyte of storage and have a market cap in aggregate of ~$1.5 trillion (Filecoin's peak market cap was $12.3B, just 0.82% of the cloud storage market). The Winklevoss twins are investors. Cryptocurrency competition for Filecoin includes: Theta Network, Storj, Siacoin, and Arweave WHEN I bought Filecoin today at the price of $5.57 per FIL via Gemini (plus with Gemini Earn our FIL earns 7.25% APY). While the macro environment isn't the hottest (inflation, interest rate hikes, war, and probably a real-life Independence Day next month where Will Smith slaps an alien), you could also dollar cost average into Filecoin over the next two months and hopefully snag it for $3-$4. All-Time High (ATH) = $191.36 Buy Target = $5 Portfolio Allocation = $1000 or 2-3% Filecoin Price Prediction (10+ Year Hold) = $250+ Source: 🥓 PORTFOLIO I am not perfect (even if my mother thinks I am), but I think it would take another leverage crash (Celsius, 3AC, etc.) to push Bitcoin much lower. I have limit buy orders placed on Ethereum (at $300) and Bitcoin (at $12,000) just in case we get a crash lower. If you missed my research on ETH and BTC, check out these two resources to get caught up: Why ETH will hit $20K Why BTC will hit $12.5M 🥓 SPONSORED BY Morning Brew Newsletter (our favorite FREE daily business newsletter): — Please share our 🥓 Bring Home the Crypto newsletter with your friends and family! Sign up for our FREE crypto newsletter at: And check out our FREE Ultimate Guide to Retiring Early: Thank you!

  • 🥓 Bring Home the Crypto - Chainlink

    In this week's newsletter, I am researching Chainlink, the world’s largest, most trusted oracle network. WTF is an oracle... isn't that a wizard?! Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that provides real-world data via Chainlink nodes a.k.a. "oracles" (information from off-blockchain sources) to smart contracts on ANY blockchain. Smart contracts are blockchain-based agreements that automatically execute when certain conditions are met. Smart contracts depend on offline data provided by oracles (Chainlink nodes). So basically the Chainlink network links real-world data (not on a blockchain) to smart contracts (on a blockchain). Here's how it works: Data requesters pay for data with the LINK token. Chainlink oracle nodes deposit LINK as collateral to guarantee data reliability and are paid LINK for providing this data to requesters ongoing. WHY Chainlink is a highly adopted project that works on ALL blockchains via Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) and has endless use cases! Coinbase views Chainlink as the "de facto" provider for connecting smart contracts to off-chain data (i.e. the outside world). So many agreements today are archaic, require middlemen, and are prime for disruption via smart contracts... such as real estate, healthcare, legal, supply chains, data feeds, etc. But for every new smart contract, there needs to be a connection to “off-chain” data and Chainlink has the first-mover/monopoly advantage as the #1 oracle provider! There are 1 billion LINK tokens. The finite supply of LINK tokens contributes to its scarcity value, like Bitcoin. Chainlink 2.0 increases network security and provides Chainlink node operators with rewards of up to 5% annually. These incentives create network effects that will attract more high-quality Chainlink node operators and this locked-up LINK create further deflationary pressure on supply (i.e. LINK token price increases over time). WHO Chainlink oracles are now powering 1,000+ smart contract applications. Grayscale Investments offers a dedicated Chainlink Trust investment option. Bank of America said Chainlink could accelerate the adoption of next-generation blockchain use across finance, insurance, supply chain, gaming, and gambling. The Associated Press launched a Chainlink node to make its trusted economic, sports, and race call datasets available to blockchains. Accuweather launched a Chainlink node to supply and sell weather data directly to smart contract applications. For example, an insurance company's blockchain-based insurance applications could get access to AccuWeather data (e.g. number of tornados in your zip code), allowing the insurance company to automate claims processing and lower operating costs. Source: WHEN I plan to buy Chainlink at the price of $4 per LINK via Gemini (plus with Gemini Earn our LINK earns 0.45% APY). With past LINK support/resistance levels near $4 and the crypto market looking like a swirling 💩 in the toilet, I think we still have further downward movement. All-Time High (ATH) = $52.20 Buy Target = $4 Portfolio Allocation = $1000 or 2-3% Chainlink Price Prediction (10+ Year Hold) = $150+ Source: 🥓 PORTFOLIO I have limit buy orders placed on Chainlink at $4 and I plan to dollar cost average any dips below that price. 🥓 SPONSORED BY Morning Brew Newsletter (our favorite FREE daily business newsletter): — Please share our 🥓 Bring Home the Crypto newsletter with your friends and family! Sign up for our FREE crypto newsletter at: And check out our FREE Ultimate Guide to Retiring Early: Thank you!

  • The Secret to Growing Your Instagram Following

    What is my secret to growing over 500 Coursenvy clients Instagram following by an average of 1500% in under a year? One of our client’s favorite parts of us managing their social media for them is growing their Instagram following! While social media ads, for the most part, are how we grow the following for our clients Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, Pinterest, etc., Instagram is still one of the platforms that we see the highest follow rate from via MANUAL engagement with our target audiences. As I’m sure most of you know firsthand, this process of manually engaging, commenting, liking and following users on Instagram is a timely process. Plus with the updates by Instagram, the use of bots to do these tasks are no longer allowed, causing many Instagram bot websites to be shut down (see R.I.P. Instagress). We are upfront with our clients and tell them we do outsource this part of their monthly social media marketing budget to a third party at cost. Who is this company we trust for outsourcing our Instagram work, you may be asking? Kicksta! Kicksta collaborates with us to design and develop a campaign that connects our client’s with the people who love what their Instagram handle and brand is all about. Click the banner below to give Kicksta a try: Kicksta Trial Give Kicksta a try for just ONE QUARTER (like we did!) and you’ll see why we (and our clients) are hooked! Kicksta FAQ 1. Why your brand should be on Instagram 2. How to take advantage of the new Instagram poll feature 3. How to master Instagram stories 4. Beating low engagement rates Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Coursenvy courses at: Learn How to Create Captivating Visuals, Grow Your Following, and Drive Engagement on Instagram. Download the Ultimate Guide to Instagram Marketing

  • How to Add an Employee to Facebook Business Manager

    There are several ways to add employees to your Facebook Business Manager, but I wanted to show you step by step how we do it here at Coursenvy! Step 1: Login to your Facebook Business Manager. Step 2: Click the menu in the top left corner. Step 3: Select the Business Settings option: Step 4: Make sure you have the PEOPLE option selected in the left sidebar of this Business Settings page. Step 5: Click the ADD button, then enter the email address of your employee: Step 6: Click the “Next” button. Step 7: Select and confirm the PAGES, AD ACCOUNTS, and CATALOGS that you want your employee to have access to work on. Facebook’s Reference Pages 1) How to create a Facebook Business Manager account: 2) How to add people to your Facebook Business Manager: Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Facebook Ads and online marketing courses at: Join our FREE Facebook Marketing Course: How to Develop Effective Organic and Paid Strategies

  • Facebook Pixel Tracking + Shopify Training Course Day #3

    Welcome to Day #3 of our Shopify Training Course! Today we delve into Facebook Pixel tracking training! Coursenvy has partnered with Shopify to give you FREE access to their eCommerce platform (NO credit card required)! Sign up here: Facebook Pixel Tracking 101 Facebook Pixel tracking can be confusing at times, but we have built an entire course around the Facebook Ad platform. Get access to ALL of our top-rated Facebook Ads and online marketing courses at: Join our FREE Facebook Marketing Course: How to Develop Effective Organic and Paid Strategies TRANSCRIPT: In this video, we are going to talk about the Facebook pixel tracking because its hard to leverage Facebook if you are not actually tracking everything that happens on your website inside of Facebook. And that’s what the Facebook pixel tracking does. The Facebook pixel tracking has 4 main functions and we are actually going to be implementing this pixel under your Shopify store. What’s cool is that Shopify has made it really easy for you. I will show you that on the next video so for now the 4 main functions are: Conversion tracking, so you can see how successful an advertisement is, by seeing what happened as a direct result of your advertisement. Optimization, so you can automatically bid for conversions after you set up your pixel. For example, you can say “Facebook give me more people or put my ad in front of more people who are likely to converge or who are likely to add a product to the cart” So you can tell them to optimize for the result that you want. Re-marketing, which allows you to kind of, when someone visits on your website, put them on a Facebook audience list, and then send them another ad if they don’t buy. So someone visits your offer page and they still around for a while but don’t make a purchase, you can actually follow-up with them and show them another advertisement saying “Hey, don’t forget about my product” And you do that by leveraging the Facebook pixel. Then there is Lookalike creation, so you can use the Facebook pixel tracking to kind of create new customers and audiences of new customers who are similar to people who already have shopped from you or being your website and added a product to the cart. I’ll be talking about this as we go into actually setting this up. But first, I just want to show you the Facebook dashboard and some of the pixel data that it shows up. In the next video we are going to ahead and actually implement this pixel on your store. So here I am in the Facebook dashboard for one of my Shopify stores and I’m on the pixels section. The way I got here was by going to my Facebook’s ad manager. It is Once I got in here I select it {Pixels} from my tool’s list, under ‘Assets’ I selected Pixels. As you can see here I got all this data going on. How my pixels fire, I can see the different events, i.e. someone viewed content or, if I scroll down someone added a product to the cart. We can see that this in the last 7 days here, so someone added to the cart 16,000 times in the last 7 days. I had 9,000 purchases so 9,000 people actually buy from my store in the last 7 days. The reason that is so high is we are actually running a promotion right now. I can see the URLs and the domain this pixel is firing on: this pixel is on And I see a bunch of data about my pixel and something that’s even cooler is that when we dig on the pixel data, we can also see what products people viewed and things like that. We will get into that later. For now, that’s what the Facebook pixel does and that’s why it’s imperative that we actually have it implemented on your Shopify store. So, meet me on the next video where we actually implement the Facebook pixel tracking on your Shopify store. I’ll see you there. How to Add Facebook Pixel Tracking to a Shopify Store TRANSCRIPT: Hey Ezra here. And in this video we are actually going to implement Facebook pixel tracking on your Shopify store. What’s beautiful is that Shopify has a native integration to Facebook and that makes it so easy to implement your Facebook pixel tracking on your Shopify store and get all of the data that you need. So the first thing you are going to need is a Facebook account. So let’s head on into Facebook and I will show what an account looks like. All right so, here I am inside of my Facebook account. You can see we spend a lot of money on Facebook. We are averaging around 10,000 dollars per day in ad spent right now and we are returned many times that in sales on our store. I went to And that where you will want to go to create your Facebook account if you don’t have one. Most of you have a Facebook account, so once you have a Facebook account what you want to do is: From the drop-down menu, click on All Tools, and then Pixels. Now when you do that, you either need to create a pixel, there is going to be a big button saying ‘Create Pixel’. But if you have a pixel, what you will want to do is to get the pixel ID. So this is the pixel ID right here on the top right-hand corner once you enter into your pixel dashboard. So you will want to copy the pixel ID from your Facebook account and then you’ll want to come to the back-end of your Shopify store. From the back-end of your Shopify store, you’ll want to click on ‘Online store’ under Sales channels. When you do that, it’s going t pull out a sub-menu and from. And from the Online store sub-menu, you ‘ll want to click on Preferences. That, is going to bring to your store’s preferences. You can edit your Title tag, your google analytics and stuff like that. But what we’re concerned about is the Facebook pixel. So what you’re going to do is to just paste your pixel under the box that’s there and you click ‘Save’: you scroll down to the button of the page, mine’s grayed out because there is nothing to save here. So when you scroll down to the very button of the page right there is going to be a ‘Save’ button and that’s it. Your pixel is integrated to Shopify. All it takes is copying the pixel ID from your Facebook account, come over to your online store preferences and save that into Facebook and you are going to have a Facebook pixel active on your store. So get that done and I’ll see you in the next video. Online Advertising 101 Enjoying our Shopify Training Course? Make sure to launch your Shopify store for FREE with your special link:

  • How to Install the Facebook Pixel

    What is the Facebook Pixel? The Facebook pixel is code you add to your website that enables you to track certain events and build audiences for your Facebook ads. The Facebook Pixel code will be pasted just once before the closing head tag () in your website. Adding the Facebook Pixel to your website will track all the website’s pages and Facebook users that access them. The main purpose of the Facebook pixel is to track users that navigate to certain pages of your website. There are different ways to use it: Measure conversions (sales, sign-ups and more!) Get rich insights about the people who visit your website. Build Custom Audiences of recent website visitors (such as people who added an item to their cart, visited a product page, or signed up for a free incentive on your website). Create Lookalike Audiences (people who are similar to your best customers/clients). Remarket to everyone who visits your site, or just to people who visit specific pages or take specific actions. If you enjoy this tutorial, make sure to check out all our top-rated courses: Focusing on Warm Traffic These users who have been to your website, I like to call WARM TRAFFIC as they have already been to your website and know your brand, therefore they are more likely to click your remarketing ad targeting them in the future. EXAMPLE: We tracked a user who made it to our product page but never made a purchase… no worries, people get busy! With the Facebook Pixel installed, we can now “remarket” this specific product to this user via a Facebook Custom Audience. 7 Touch Points People need an average of 7 touch points before they are “sales ready”. This means the average customer needs to see your website, brand, and/or an ad 7 TIMES before they are ready to make a purchase, sign up, etc. With the power of the Facebook Pixel we can retarget and re-engage these warm audiences with ease! Getting Help From Facebook Facebook now offers a step-by-step guide for installing your Facebook Pixel. Just go to: How to Install the Facebook Pixel Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Facebook Ads and online marketing courses at: Join our FREE Facebook Marketing Course: How to Develop Effective Organic and Paid Strategies

  • Tips for Engagement on Facebook

    Looking for tips for engagement on Facebook? You've landed in the right place! First, download this free guide: How to Reach and Engage Your Audience on Facebook Next, check out these TOP 8 Tips for Engagement on Facebook: Build and Use Custom Audiences ( Market your Facebooks ads to a WIDE TARGET AUDIENCE at first (1 million+), then narrow and niche from there. Large audiences will keep your engagement costs low. As you narrow audiences, try targeting people who visit just a specific page of your website (i.e. RETARGETING). As you narrow audiences, EXCLUDE audiences as well! Experiment with Custom Audience duration (I like fresh audiences--within the past 30 days). Test manual bidding at the AD SET level. If your cost per conversion can afford it, bid the max to increase eyeballs on your ads! Split test placement at the AD SET level. Instagram placement is getting me CRAZY engagement! Track ALL conversions with the Facebook Pixel. Tweak future ads accordingly and continually A/B split test to find the best converting ads! Build an email list. Start collecting email lists via all your Social Media accounts asap! Remarketing to lookalike email lists gets great results! Learn how I get 1200+ free email signups a month here: Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Facebook Ads and online marketing courses at: Join our FREE Facebook Marketing Course: How to Develop Effective Organic and Paid Strategies

  • How to Link a Facebook Group to a Facebook Page

    Go to your Facebook Page and click Settings Click on Templates and Tabs in the navbar Scroll down to look at the tabs (some pages have Groups enabled by default) Click on “Add a Tab” at the bottom Select “Groups” Now drag the Groups Tab up the list to where you want it to appear in your Facebook page’s navbar Click on Groups < Settings. The URL shows where all the Groups appear on your Facebook page Go back to the Page home screen and see how your Groups tab now shows up in the navbar Click on the Groups tab Choose your Group, Create your Group, or Link Your Group Now your Group is linked to your Facebook Page Now when you write in the Group you can post as your Facebook Page rather than as your personal Profile name Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Facebook Ads and online marketing courses at: Join our FREE Facebook Marketing Course: How to Develop Effective Organic and Paid Strategies

  • Facebook Pixel Implementation Guide

    Does the Facebook Pixel have you stumped? Look no further then Coursenvy for all your Facebook Marketing answers! Make sure to check out our Facebook Marketing Mastery Course at ***Article Sources*** The Facebook Pixel: How to Install the Facebook Pixel So first, what is the Facebook Pixel and how do we install it? To create your Facebook pixel: Go to your Facebook Pixel tab in Ads Manager: Click Create a Pixel. Enter a name for your pixel. You can have only one pixel per ad account, so choose a name that represents your business. Note: You can change the name of the pixel later from the Facebook Pixel tab. Check the box to accept the terms. Click Create Pixel. The Facebook pixel code is made up of two main elements: Pixel base code Event code The pixel base code tracks activity on your website, providing a baseline for measuring specific events. The base code should be installed on every page of your website. To install the pixel base code: Go to the Pixels page in Ads Manger: Click Actions > View Code Copy the base code and paste it between the tags on each web page, or in your website template to install it on your entire website Events are actions that happen on your website, either as a result of Facebook ads (paid) or organic reach (unpaid). The event code lets you track those actions and leverage them in advertising. There are two types of events you can send: Standard events: 9 events we’re able to track and optimize your ads for without any additional actions. See below for an example of what your website code will look like with standard events installed. 1. Your website’s original code: Paste the Facebook pixel code between the and tags of your web page. You may already have other existing code between the head tags, so just place the pixel code underneath that, but above . 2. Your Facebook pixel base code: Your Facebook pixel code will look like the diagram above, except your pixel ID will be different from 1234567890. 3. Your standard event code: Within your Facebook pixel code, above the tag, paste the Standard Event code that’s relevant to your page (ex: Complete Registration, Add To Cart). You’ll need to do this for every page you want to track. The key here is that every page of your website should have everything that’s enclosed in section 2 (the base code), but different pages will have different snippets of code for section 3 (standard event code). See below for another example: Custom events. Actions that are important to your business, but that you can’t use for tracking and optimization without additional action. Adding the event code to your website’s pages Event code indicates specific actions that are important to your business objective. To add the event code to your website: Go to your Facebook Pixel tab in Ads Manager: Click Create Conversion > Track Conversions with Standard Events. Copy the Event Code of the events that matter to you. Go to your website’s code and place the event code on the relevant pages. We recommend doing this by adding the event code between script tags separately. We recommend not modifying the pixel base code. Tips: Add a full-funnel of events (ex: ViewContent, AddToCart and Purchase) to capture all relevant purchase actions. On the special pages of your website that you want to track and optimize your ads for, add one of these 9 standard events. For example, someone selling toys on their website would place standard event codes for their add-to-cart page and purchase page. Just copy and paste everything in the standard event code column and paste it under fbq(‘track’,’PageView’); like in the diagram above. If you’d prefer to use URL rules instead of standard events, you can use custom conversions instead. Note: You can also add different parameters for each standard event code, such as Content ID, value and currency. The conversion standard event requires value and currency parameters to work. Parameters are optional for all other standard events. Advanced Facebook Pixel Setup for Developers For more in-depth installation practices for your Facebook Pixel, check out Facebook’s developer site made just for the Facebook Pixel: Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Coursenvy courses at: Join our FREE Facebook Marketing Course: How to Develop Effective Organic and Paid Strategies

  • The Complete Guide to Video Marketing

    CASE STUDY: Video Marketing One company that is a MASTER of video marketing is Each Friday they release what they call “Whiteboard Friday”. Check it out at: Search Engines LOVE Video Open a new tab and search for anything in Google. More likely than not, one of those results will be a YouTube video. Google OWNS YouTube, so therefore they want to rank YouTube videos and get that website traffic. Take advantage of this by getting your brand’s video content posted to your YouTube account! Not only can you rank organically for keywords in Google search results, but you can also take advantage of YouTube video marketing via Google Adwords. Learn more at: CASE STUDY: How a small-town quilt shop grew into a global business How to Create a Viral Video Are you taking advantage of videos yet on social media? Facebook and Instagram engagement rates are through the roof on video versus everything else (images and/or text only). So NOW is the time to begin creating videos the CORRECT way so they have the best chance to go viral! We have put together this VIRAL VIDEO GROWTH HACK guide just for our Coursenvy followers so you too can learn how to create a viral video! Viral videos have a repeatable formula that not many people understand, nor follow and it really comes down to just a few simple steps. Let me show you an example: Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Coursenvy courses at: Learn the art of video marketing with these videos, templates, tips, and resources. Download the Ultimate Guide to Video Marketing

  • Increase Email Deliverability + Prevent Landing in Spam

    Sending emails and cold emailing potential customers is an important part of every business. To prevent your emails from landing in the Promotions or Spam folder of your recipient, you will need to follow a few of these simple practices to increase your email deliverability. How to Increase Email Deliverability So I am assuming you have purchased your domain already and create your first email address (if not, I suggest using Google Workspace with the $6/mo G Suite emailing option — so easy to use and they include DKIM and SPF records automatically). PRO TIP: If you plan on cold emailing 20+ people per day, purchase and email from a similar domain (i.e. I will email from to ensure as our main website doesn’t get blacklisted for spamming issues). Navigate to your website hosting provider. For example, one of our clients uses Navigate to the DNS Zone Editor page under the Domain settings section of your web hosting provider. #1 – Add a DMARC Record Under the “Create New Record” section on the DNS Zone Editor page: Select the TXT option for a New Record. Paste in the Name: _dmarc Set the TTL to 1 hour. Paste in the Value: v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; pct=90; sp=none #2 – Add a SPF Record If your web host doesn’t already include a TXT “SPF” record (the value will start with “v=spf1“), then you can add one manually. Most web hosts do, but if not… Under the “Create New Record” section on the DNS Zone Editor page: Select the TXT option for a New Record. Leave the Name field empty (or type in “@” if something is required). Set the TTL to 1 hour. Paste in the Value: v=spf1 include: mx a ~all #3 – Add a MX Record Only if you are using Google Workspace (G Suite), you will need to change your MX records. Navigate to Google and find your specific web host MX records: Under the “Create New Record” section on the DNS Zone Editor page: Delete existing MX records. Add the new MX records (based on your web host from the Google link above). Warm Up Your Email Account Brand new domains and new email addresses have a high spam and low open rate. To remedy this, you need to WARM-UP your email account. This just means sending, receiving, and opening emails with people you know and trust (no COLD EMAILING yet… this is how to get a domain blacklisted by Google!) We suggest the following services: Warmup Inbox – https://www.coursenvy/com/warmup – $9/mo Lemwarm Email Warmup – – $39/mo You should run one of these email warm-up services for at least 30 days before you start cold emailing your potential customers. WARM-UP RATE Lemwarm — Number of warm-up emails per day after ramp-up = 30 Lemwarm — Ramp-up increment value per day = 1 Warmup Inbox — MAX SENDS PER DAY = 30 Warmup Inbox — INCREASE PER DAY = 1 Here is a fantastic resource on the entire email warm-up process: After 30 days of warming up the email address, you will be good to go with that email account and be ready to begin cold emailing! Pause/cancel your warmup service provider. Try to not send over 100 cold emails per day to avoid blacklisting your domain. Check your domain/email blacklist status at: PRO TIP: Make sure every email you send is to a VERIFIED email address so it doesn’t bounce and hurt your domain. I verify email addresses with this free service: Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Coursenvy courses at: Create and test beautiful landing pages that generate leads and look great on any device — no web developer required: Free Landing Page Builder

  • Lead Generation Sales Funnel 101

    #1 – COPY Do as Tony Robbins does! “If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you’ll achieve the same results.” -Tony Robbins Find that person or business in your niche that is already succeeding and COPY them… now I’m not saying go and get sued by infringing on copyrights/patents, I’m saying sign up for their newsletter, buy their products, study their content, products, services, social media, marketing, EVERYTHING! Learn from them and study the successful systems they have in place! #2 – CLONE Now that you have identified your successful competitor or just someone selling something similar to what you plan to sell… it’s time to CLONE their sales funnel, only using your product and marketing message. #3 – TRAFFIC The final secret to creating a lead generation sales funnel that converts is TRAFFIC! You can have the greatest landing page on earth, but without traffic, sales will never happen! If you have the budget, I highly suggest Facebook Ads for the reasons I mentioned in this blog post. Continue Learning Get access to ALL of our top-rated Coursenvy courses at: Create and test beautiful landing pages that generate leads and look great on any device — no web developer required: Free Landing Page Builder

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