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Webflow Tutorial

Writer's picture: CoursenvyCoursenvy

Webflow is the modern way to build a website! With it, you can build an entire website with NO code by simply adding and editing elements to each page of your website in Webflow’s easy-to-use builder software.

You’ll build responsive websites right in your browser window and then launch them live on the best cloud hosting service (Amazon Web Services provides a global infrastructure supporting millions of sites, while Fastly delivers your content in milliseconds.)

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to create a website in minutes with our Webflow tutorial. Click the button below to claim our FREE Webflow promo code:

Step #1 – Sign up for FREE with our Webflow promo code:

Step #2 – Sign up for the FREE Webflow 101 Course

Step #3 – Learn what Webflow can do for you:


today we are covering a

super comprehensive webflow tutorial

that is going to take you

from complete webflow beginner and

amateur and give you

all the tools that you need to get in

create an account

build a website and then publish it and

take it live so we're going to cover

everything in this video

i know there are a lot of other

tutorials out there but my goal is that

this one is going to be

quicker more efficient it's going to

show you the most important things that

you need to know

and then it's going to help you get a

website finished and live faster than

any other tutorial

so let's jump into it we are here on the

webflow homepage and the first thing

that you're going to need to do is click

get started and all webflow is going to

ask you for

is an email and a password you can sign

in with gmail or just click this blue

button to continue with any type of


once you sign in webflow is going to

take you to this next page where it's

actually going to ask you

for your name or how they should greet


and then they're going to ask us a

couple questions which is going to put

us in the right direction

for what we're trying to accomplish with

webflow and so

what best describes your role we're

going to put web designer who will be

building the site for i'm going to go

ahead and put

my business for starters and then do you

have any experience building websites

let's just put used website builders

what webflow's going to do is it's going


process what we're trying to accomplish

and it is going to throw us into

a good scenario where we can get done

what we need to do so what it's going to

do is give us the option to either do a

business starter which is just a basic

template or a blank site and in this

example we're going to go ahead and move

forward with the blank site

and webflow is going to launch us in to

the designer now the designer is where

everything happens once this loads

you're going to see our big white canvas

that's overwhelming we'll close out of

this tutorial

and this canvas is where we're going to


our website okay now before we can dive

into that and before i show you an

example of a quick website we're going

to build

you need to understand all of the tools

first over here on the left side you

have your main webflow tab

which is going to take you either back

to your dashboard to see all of your

different websites

or take you into the individual website

settings which is where you're going to


hosting plans and setting up your domain

and different things like that

and then you've got your editor which is

just a more simplified version of your

designer here where you can just make


to text and images and then your cms

items which we'll talk about here in

just a minute the next thing that you've


is your add button right here now this

is going to be very similar to other

website builders that you've used

because you're going to be able to

select the elements that you want to put

in your site and you're just going to

drag and drop and so for example

you've got your layout which is your

sections your containers your columns

you've got basic elements which are your

div blocks lists and buttons

you've got all of your typography your

cms which again we'll talk about here


we've got all of your media so images

and videos and then of course lottie

animations which are really really

awesome but

a more complex topic for another video

you've got all of your form

elements here and then you've got some

additional components and so

in this example just to get started

we're going to go ahead and move a


over here into the body now i want to

take a moment here to

explain to you the way that web flow

works webflow works on something called

the box model or that's known as the box


what that means is every single element

within your website everything down to

the text and the images

is a box within a box within a box okay

so that means is

rather than using your body here and

just dragging

a heading right into your body which

makes no sense what you're going to

actually do is you're going to work with

this box model by taking the section

and then i'm going to put a container

within the section and i'm going to put

my heading within the container now

this is um gonna be absolutely necessary

for a number of different reasons but

the number one reason is so you have


design capabilities because if you put

everything within your

um your home page or your body block

if you make any sort of adjustment it's

going to change every single thing

within your body block okay

and so now that we've got this set up

what i'm going to do is i'm going to

turn on these guides down here so you

can kind of see

these different boxes so we've got our

h1 we've got our container we've got our


and then our body and so that's how

we're going to have things set up okay

and so

before we move forward with this example

a couple more things that you need to


are number one the navigator which is a

super easy way for you to basically see

the elements in this box model like we

talked about right we've got our body

our section our container and our


but you're going to be able to see every

single element on your page within this

navigator which makes it easy to find

elements it makes it easy to reorganize

things drag and drop things let's say i


um you know for example let's take this


and we duplicate this now you're going

to be able to see both of these sections

in the box model

and say i want to drag one above the

other i'm going to be able to make any

changes like that in the navigator and

this is going to be

a lot more important a lot more useful

when you have

a ton of different sections and a ton of

different elements on your page

so i'm going to go out and i'm going to

erase this section that we just made and

the next thing that we're going to dive

into really quickly

is the pages tab now this is pretty

obvious you're going to be able to

bounce back and forth between your pages

you can create new pages you can

actually create folders to organize

your pages and then of course you can

get into each individual page setting

and adjust your title you're going to be

able to adjust the link slug

you're going to be able to make changes

to meta descriptions and your open graph

url images the next thing that we've got

over here is our cms

collection which again cms is a more


topic for another video it's not

something that you're going to need

in your first website but to give you a

basic idea of

what this is and when it's used when i

build a website for a client that has a

blog in it i don't want to hand over

this website

and tell them every time that you have a

new blog article you're gonna have to go

into the site create a new page

redesign the page and then put in your

text so instead what i can do

is i can create cms pages with cms items

and i basically tell webflow exactly how

i want the content to be designed and

laid out

and then once i design it once i

actually pass the cms dashboard

to the client and then they just go

through and fill all the fields so they

put in the title they put in

the body content the images a thumbnail


anything else that they need to and once

they click publish

webflow actually uses your cms pages to

duplicate that content

they implement it into the website with

the design and everything that you've

already done

which saves a ton of time and gives you

a lot of capabilities

you can also use cms when it comes to

adding or removing team members maybe

you have

products on your website blog articles

are a really powerful way to utilize


and that's again something that we'll

dive into in another video

but the last things that you're going to

need to know obviously you've got your

ecommerce button which we're not going

to use because this isn't an ecommerce


you've got your assets where you can

upload images and videos

and then of course you've got your

settings right over here all right we

are moving along and we are going to

start talking

now about this right side toolbar

which is where the magic happens okay

this is where

everything to do with the design and in

the visual appeal of your website any

adjustments that you need to make to

sizes and

alignment and padding and spacing and

all these different things are going to


right here okay and the first thing that

you're going to need to know which is

really at the core or the foundation of


and is probably the most powerful

feature that webflow offers

is your selectors here and this is where

we're going to be utilizing

classes to streamline the design of our

website and so

to give you an example of this we've got

a heading right here and we're actually

going to give this

the class of home page

heading okay now what this means

is now every time a

title anywhere on the website that

shares this same

class anytime that you make an

adjustment to that whether that's to the


or to the size or to the color or to the

background whatever it is

those changes are going to be made to

every single title that shares this


and so to give you a good example of

this i'm just going to copy and paste

this over so both of these headings you

can see over here they share that same


and so when i blow up this text it's

going to

to do it to both of these titles because

they share that same class

so let's say this is the heading we want

to be really big and we want it to be

really blue so we want to be big and

blue it's going to make adjustments for

both of these that but let's just say


for the sake of this these are both

headings on different pages

this one is the home page but this home

page heading we actually want to add a

sub class because we want it to be a

little bit smaller so what i can do

is i can add an additional

class to get more specific about the


of this heading so still if i go back to


main homepage heading class every change

that i make is going to happen to both

of these

but now that i've added a more specific

class to the second one

called smaller smaller tiny when i make

adjustments to this it's

only going to change this individual

title and so

this gives you a really good idea of how

you can streamline all of your titles

all of your body text

all of your sections all of your div

blocks whatever it is

you streamline those across your website

so anytime you make

changes it's going to make those changes

across the entire site now an example of

this is one of my early on clients i

built them a site in

wix and they actually went back and said

we love everything but we want all the

titles on all 50 pages

to be in all caps now i'm sure that

there's an easier way to do this on wix

and i was probably a dummy back then

but i actually had to go through to each

individual page and retype the headings

in all

caps now in webflow what i would done to

get that done

faster is i would have just clicked this

main heading that shares the same class

as all the other headings

i had to scroll down here and clicks

capitalize and it's going to capitalize

all those headings

but then for whatever reason if i have

this other heading that i'm like you

know i actually don't want this one

capitalized because it's got this

additional class to get more specific i

can actually untoggle

that all capitalized heading and it's

going to adjust

just that single heading so that's the

way that these selectors work and it's

important to remember that they don't


work on headings they work on literally

any element so any element that you find

over here whether that's a section

a column a link block a heading an image

a form block whatever it is you can add

classes to streamline your design

process okay now once you've done that

the next important thing that you're

going to need to understand is your

display or your layout options and this


again going to be the foundation of the

design of

every single element okay and so to give

you an example

of these i'm actually going to add a

little bit of padding to this section to

make it a bigger example for you

and what i'm going to do is i'm going to

drag in

a div block and let's go ahead and erase

these headings

i'm going to drag a div block into my

container so again

using the box model and i'm going to

show you these and this div

block i actually want this to be 100


by 100 pixels so we're going to make a

square okay

now what i want to do is this is titled

div block i actually want to

add a actually i'm going to duplicate

this after i add a background color

let's go ahead and make this guy blue

i'm going to copy and paste this and in

my second div

block i'm actually going to do a more

specific class titled red and now i can

change the background of this

and we've got our red block a red block

and our blue block within this container

now because the container is what's

known as the parent element that is

going to determine the

layout of our boxes or or our elements

within that container and we do that

with the display settings and so

what we've got is our block element

display setting which is just the


and then what we have is our flex lat

which is the one i use

99 of the time now you can see when i

click that

it actually gives me a ton of different

options whether i want to go

horizontal or vertical let's say that i

want to do vertical i want to be in the


and then for the sake of this example

i'm going to go to the container and

make this container

500 pixels tall and so

now when i'm adjusting this i can

actually have

have it tell the container how to space

out these blocks so maybe i want them

smushed to the bottom or smushed to the

top or right to the middle

and to the left and you can see how

making these adjustments is going to


these children elements or child

elements around

the other options that you have are your

div block which again is just going to

add more boxes to our box model

you've also got your inline block and


your inline options which again are are

used in in

very specific scenarios but for the sake

of your first website really you're only

going to need to know how to use this

flex layout okay

that's a really powerful way to make

adjustments to all of the the blocks

with inside

a bigger block now what i'm going to do

is i'm going to keep these div blocks

but i'm actually going to come back

in and add a heading within this


and let's make this vertical bring the

heading to the top

and then i'm going to blow this heading

up so it's really obvious to see and the

next thing that i'm going to do is i'm

going to come over here into my ad and

i'm going to add

a paragraph this is going to be my


now i want this to be a little bit

shorter so i'm just going to delete some

of this text

and what i'm going to do is i'm going to

blow this up to let's say 25

give it a little bit more line height

and what we have now is our heading and

our subheading now

the next important thing that you're

going to want to understand is your

spacing and this is really

self-explanatory but a really powerful


because you can actually adjust the

padding on the inside of a box or on the

outside of a box and so you'll notice

that by default

this heading has margin on both the top

and the bottom 20 pixels on the top and

10 on the bottom

if we want this heading to have more

space underneath that i can actually


and drag this out and you'll see how

that is making space

between the bottom of the heading and

the top of the subheading okay

now you can also edit or adjust the

inside of this

by clicking and dragging these and

you'll see what that does

and actually i'm going to hold the shift

button and do all four you can see how

it's pushing this heading

into the middle of its own box now

that's not something that you're going

to want to do very often with text

but something that very often you'll

want to do with a div block because if i

actually move this heading inside the

div block

you're going to see now that that

heading is within that block

and if i adjust the inner padding it's

going to

push that out like that and give padding

between the heading

and the div block that's a really good

example or use case for using that

but those are going to help you make all

the adjustments that you're going to

need to make

as we scroll down we've got a couple

things as far as your overflow and fit

which you won't have to worry about too

much on this first build

same with position but as we get down

here then you've got all of your

adjustments as far as typography

and then you've got your background a

background is a really powerful tool

because there really are two ways to add


to your website number one is to drag

images directly in

or number two is to use an image

as a background to show you how this

works first i'm just going to drag

a regular image into our container here

and click choose image and that takes me

immediately to

my assets tab to where i can upload

an image and that will load in and there

i have got my image and so typically

images are going to fill up the box that

they're found within

but you can actually have the option to

drag to the size of your image

or of course up here on the right

toolbar you can adjust the width and the


okay now one issue that you might

sometimes run into is if you want this

width to be

let's say 400px your container let's say

that it is set to

stretch actually let's go horizontal and


and so what you're going to find is

sometimes it can get frustrating when

you set the width

but because of the display of the

container it's going to stretch that

image okay and so a couple different

options you have

is obviously you can come in here

to the image and you can try to


the height in pixels and just keep doing

this until you find the right height

but this is an absolutely crappy

solution and so the other options that

you have is you can determine

your layout and maybe you just want to

push everything to the top

and that will automatically fix that

image but

one thing that i also like to do with

images if i'm trying to get a background

so what i'm going to do in this example

is i'm going to take a div block

place it in here i'm going to set it to

let's say 400 pixels and the height is

going to be

300 pixels now what i can actually do is

scroll down here to this

backgrounds image and gradient and i can

click the plus here and i

can choose an image and actually input

this image

into the background and what i can do is

press cover

and that image is going to fill this div

block okay

now the nice part about this is when i

make adjustments to that div block let's

say that down here i want to adjust the


let's take that to 100 you can see how

the radius changes on the div block and

the image

of course only fills that space and so

it'll round the corners of the image as


now this is kind of nice because you can

also adjust the width let's say to 500


to 600 px and it's going to just

continually fill

that div block with that image this

background feature

is especially useful when you are

working with your sections let's say

that this section is going to become our

main hero section

on our homepage what i can do is make

sure this section is selected

click my background image here and then

i can plug in this image

set to cover again and then i can set


right to the the middle position and

just like that we've got a great

background image where our text is

running over the image now obviously

there's not a whole lot of of contrast

here and so what we can actually do is

come back

to the image and gradient i can actually

add a second

image or gradient and what i can do is

set a solid color overlay

and then i can actually adjust the

opacity of this

specific color just like that i can make


background dark come in here back to my


and i can change these colors of course

and just like that

i have a nice dark background image with

my text overlay

and then i'm well on my way to creating

a nice hero section and a nice home page

and so

the image and gradient tool is really

really useful

you can also get in here if i erase both

of these you're actually able to get in


and also set a gradient and you can

adjust the colors and and really do

whatever you like with this

to get things looking exactly the way

that you would like them to

so after the imaging gradient down here

we've got just a couple other features

we've got our

radius our borders which are pretty

self-explanatory and are going to be

easy for you to learn

we've got our opacity and other effects

down here which again are nice to use

you can click those and see how they

affect the different elements on your


but they're not things that you're gonna

have to use very often okay

um so what we're gonna do now is click

over here to this cog me this is just a

secondary um

settings menu that's gonna give you more

settings when it comes to your

individual elements for example

your header you're gonna be able to

choose you know as a h1 h2 h3

you're going to have different different

settings throughout this tab but again

not one that you're going to have to use

super often and then of course over here

we have our style manager which is very

similar to our navigation tab on the


but it's showing just our styles and our


and then the last one is our

interactions which again

is a video for another day but you're

going to be able to access all of your

interactions right there and get things

to move and change

as you scroll through your site or when

you click on different elements

which is a really powerful feature so

now that we've covered these things

the last thing that i want to cover

before we jump into our site settings

are up here at the top obviously we have

our different viewports

widths and so we can actually see things

in our desktop

our tablet our mobile landscape and then

in our regular mobile portrait so as you

click on these it's actually going to

show you

how things work and how they're going to

look in these different viewports and so


if our heading is massive on our desktop

but when we come down to our mobile it's

way too big

i can actually get in here and just

change this i can shrink it down a

little bit to make sure that it fits

and you'll notice that it's not going to

change that in the desktop version so i

can start to design

for different viewports obviously

designing for mobile is

super super important but you're going

to have complete control

over the way things interact you can

change literally

anything and it's going to look

differently in mobile than it will in

desktop which gives you so much power

and that is one thing that has been a

big struggle for a lot of designers

using builders like wix

or squarespace because they just make it

really difficult to have complete


over the different um you know the

website the way it looks in different

viewports okay

so up here in your top right you have

your publish which this is automatically

going to publish to a temporary domain

which makes it really easy for you to

see the live site and also send a

temporary link to a client so they can

kind of follow your progress

you also are going to have the ability

up here to click on your little eye

and this is going to give you kind of a

live view

of the site within the designer which is

very very useful

okay so before i dive into a

design of a very basic landing page what

i want to do is take you up here to the


settings and show you all the important

settings that you need to know

when working with webflow okay you've

got your general tab here

which is your site name and your and

your temporary sub domain name which you


adjust as long as it's one that's

available you're going to be able to use

whatever domain you like

down here you've got your favicons and

your web clips to set the image which of

course shows up here in the tab and in

other locations

then you've got a couple additional

settings down here

including your site statistics which is

going to show you

views unique visits different things

like that

clicking over here we have our hosting

where you are going to choose a hosting

plan now the way that web flow works is

on a free plan at any given time you can


two sites that are unhosted in the

development stage so what that means is

you can have two at a time

once you select a hosting plan and

connect a domain to one of those

that's going to open up one of your

slots so then you can start a new


to be in the development phase and be

working towards

hosting that and taking it live okay so

when it comes to your site plans

there are really only two site plans

right now that you're going to need to

worry about

and that is your basic and your cms

again cms

is going to be necessary if you have cms

items implemented on your website if you

purchase a webflow template or you find

a free one

chances are that those are going to have

cms items in

that site so unless you delete all of

those cms

items you're going to have to choose

this more expensive hosting plan

the one kicker is i always use this cms

hosting plan because it also has

gives you access to your content editor

dashboard which is something i passed to

my clients

so they can make adjustments to their

site they can manage form submissions

all of those different things but if you

are making just a super basic site

no cms items you're not worried about

sending an editor dashboard to a client

for example this is for your own

portfolio site this may be a good option

to go a little bit cheaper on the


obviously these are cheaper on the

annual plans if you flip them to monthly

and you're paying month to month it's

going to be a bit more expensive but

either way you're going to be happy with

either of these plans just keep in mind

that if you want to use those cms

items and the cms structure or the


editor dashboard you're going to have to

choose the cms hosting

now the thing that i love about this

you're going to be able to connect your

custom domain down here even if this is

for a client site

you're going to be able to connect your

domain but as we come over here to the

billing section

you'll notice once you set up your

personal billing

you have this option to do client

billing now what that means is

if i build a site for a client i don't

want to have to pay their monthly

hosting out of pocket

and then hope that they reimburse me for

that so what you can do is you can plug

in their information their name their


their phone number and then that's going

to generate a link that you can then

forward on to your client where they can

put their own

credit card information in to pay their

hosting now client billing has a lot of

cool settings where you can actually

upsell them

and let's say that they choose the cms

hosting that's twenty dollars per month

i could actually set the price at twenty

three dollars per month

and then webflow would give me that

three dollar difference

which is a nice upsell option it's not

something i do

very often because i want to keep my


hosting prices as low as possible

because they're already investing with

me and other monthly services and an

extra three bucks a month doesn't matter

to me as much as keeping my clients


but you've always got that option okay

you've also got the seo tab which gives

you a couple seo settings

you've of course got your fonts your

backups which you can restore an old

version of your site

and then you've got your custom code

section and so

with this you really have a good

understanding of all of the settings

that you might need to

know or to understand and so what i'm

going to do now is i'm going to dive


into the designer and we're actually

going to build a really quick landing


to show you all the things that you've

learned in this video so let's jump into

it right we are back into our designer

and i'm actually going to erase

everything that we've done so far so we

have a blank canvas

and what we're going to be doing is

creating a really quick and simple

landing page

i'm going to show you a couple

additional tricks throughout this part

but in just a few minutes i'm going to

give you a really good idea of what can

be built in web flow okay

so we're here at our body box and what

i'm going to do is i'm going to add a


and down here in the height one thing

that i always like to do is set this

header section

to 100 vh which means the viewport


okay so what that means is that the

height of the viewport is going to

change based on the size of your screen

but i always wanted to cover the entire

screen okay

now what i'm going to do is i'm going to

drop down here to the image and gradient

we're going to give a nice

gradient background so what we'll do is

let's give this a

kind of a deep navy blue and on this

color let's give it

a lighter blue and then what i'm going

to do is i'm going

to use this little circle here to adjust

the direction of that

and i have my hero section i'm actually

going to change this class to

hero section and then what i'm going to

do is i'm going to bring in a container

now notice that the container

automatically pops to the top

and the reason for that is within my

hero section

i have the display set to the default

which is

block and so what i'm going to do is i'm

going to come over here and

select the flex layout i'm going to go

vertical and i'm going to put this thing

right smack dab in the middle okay

now with that in the middle i'm going to

bring in a header within my box and so

again just as a reminder over here in

the navigator we're starting to work on

our box model it's a box within a box in

a box

and so within or with my h1 i'm actually

going to

turn this white and i'm going to blow


sucker up to let's say 90 i want to

increase the line height just so i'm not

squishing that text

and let's title this webflow tutorial

the next thing i'm going to do is i'm

going to grab a paragraph for our

subheading and i'm going to put it

inside the container as well

now obviously that text is too small and

there's no contrast so i'm going to turn

that white

let's blow this up to maybe 22

increase the line height i'm actually

going to shorten this text a little bit

so you can get a better idea of what it

would look like

um and so just like that we've got our

subheading i want to add a

little bit of a margin beneath the

header so let's

increase this to maybe let's go

30 right in the middle and then what i'm

going to do is i want to add a call to

action we haven't worked with buttons

yet in this tutorial but they are

really simple to use i'm going to drag

oops i actually grab the form button

right here i'm going to grab the the

button under my basic tab

plug that in and this is my default

button now what i want to do is i

actually want to

turn this thing green so there's a

little bit more contrast

so right there i turn it green and i

want to increase the font of

the text in there to make it a little

bit more noticeable and then what i'm

going to do is i'm actually going to

increase the padding inside this button

and again when you increase the padding

on the inside you'll see how that that

increases the space between the text

and the basically the form of the box

and so once i blow that up i'm going to

make my call to action

learn uh let's see learn web flow

today an exclamation point i want a

little bit of padding on top of this a

little bit of a margin just to give it

some space so let's go

20 right there and then i actually want


add i'm going to scroll down here and

add a radius to this

i actually want to go 100 to make that


rounded now with things like buttons you

actually have a lot of options when it

comes to

the hover effects because obviously when

people hover over a button we want them

to know that it's a button

and we want it to change a little bit to

i guess validate that it's going to do

something when they click in so

when i click on this button i can

actually go up here

to my selector

tab and if i click this it actually

gives me the different

states of this button so if i click

hover right here

you'll notice that this adds a temporary

class selector

for hover now what this does is i can

change this so let's say i want this to

go a little bit

brighter when they hover and then i'm

actually going to exit out of that by

just clicking anywhere and it removes

that temporary green selector now

anytime i hover over my button

it is going to make that button change

colors okay

that's a really nice feature to add to

really anything you can have

you know it change as you hover or

scroll past it

but just like that we have our call to

action i'm actually going to

make the text a little bit smaller and


are good to go okay now the next thing

that i want to do

is i'm actually going to throw in a nav


up here at the top and again i want to

make sure within my

navigator my navigator tab that my nav

bar isn't

accidentally inside my hero section nav

bar works

much like a section where you want to be

directly in

the body box and so one thing about the

navigation is these can sometimes be

janky when you pull them directly

in from your add button and so you may

have to make a couple adjustments but

what i'm going to do with this nav bar

is i actually want to make it black for


to make it really stand out and then up

here on my nav links

i want to turn these white now you'll

notice when i turn this white only

one at a time turns white that's because

the other ones don't have a class

selector yet and so

when i turn this white it automatically

gave the class selector of nav link i'm

actually going to come through and paste

this same selector

into these other nav links and so now

when i change them because they share

class they're going to all

change together so i'm going to give

those an underline

the same font size and there we go so

with that what i want to do in this

brand link is i actually want to bring

in a logo so i'm actually going to click


go to my image and drag a logo into here

i'm going to be able to choose the image

now let's pull this

from one of my images

and it's going to bring in this client

yet now you'll notice that this thing is

absolutely massive so i'm going to want

to drag

this down to a size that fits now one

thing that you'll notice

is it's sitting kind of janky in there

and so

these are some adjustments that you

might have to make with these types of


but let's say that i want to make my

height of this 60 pixels and i actually

estimated that the first time where it's

going to go the full width

of my navigation and then within that

brand i can actually switch this to flex

and move that logo

right to the middle now a quick little


for you you'll notice that this logo

doesn't like there's not a whole lot of

contrast on that black background

you can remake the logo and make it all

white or change the colors

to add more contrast but another thing

that you have the option to do is you

can select this image

scroll down here and in your filters

under these effects

you can actually select a filter and

one of the filters is inverse now you

can see when i do this

it's actually going to invert the colors

and add a little bit more contrast to

that logo so there we have client earth

okay now the once i've added this nav

bar you'll notice that it's kind of

pushing my

um my hero section a little bit too low

and so i actually might want to come and

make this only

90 percent of the viewport height

that way it's not getting too deep

because i don't want to waste

real estate on my website okay the next

thing that i'm going to do is i want to

add a strip or a section that's going to

highlight my

other clients logos and so i'm going to

add a section in here

again if we look at our navigator i'm

going to close all these and you can see

we've got the nav bar the here

section and now we have this new section

that i'm actually going to give a class

for client logo section okay

now because we're using our box model

i'm going to come down and put a


inside of that and i actually want to

give my

section a little bit of padding here

just so we have something to work with

and you can see once i get that padding

it actually pushes that

into the middle and gives us some space

to work with now what we're going to do

is we're actually going to

implement the grid

layout and so i'm going to plug this

grid in here and you can see that

automatically gives you a 2x2 i actually

want to come over here and delete one of

the rows

and i want to add two columns and so

i've got my strip of four

boxes there now what i'm going to do is

i'm going to

come to my images i'm going to slide an

image into this grid

and i'm going to choose some client

images for

the sake of this they'll be the same as

our main logo

and then i can actually copy and paste

these all the way through

and there i have my client logos now

let's say

that i feel like these are a little bit

too big what i'm going to want to do is

actually give these

a class and then i can set

a let's say our max width is

80 percent and you can see that that

starts to shrink that down to only

eighty percent of the box now

it didn't change the other ones because

they don't yet share the same class

and so what i could do is copy and paste

this class to the other images

but what i'm actually gonna do is just

erase these because now that this first

one has a class set

i can copy and paste it and it will

paste with

the client logo selector class okay

now because these are all on the like

they're aligned left within the box i

can actually double click on my grid

actually i don't need to double click i

can come right up here to a line

and i can center all of these within


and just like that i have my client logo

section if i want to add a little bit of

space between them

i can double click then and i can add

maybe 25 pixels between columns

and just like that we have our client


the next thing i want to do is come down

and add a third and final section

and this is actually going to be our

form section

now again i'm going to put a container

into this section

i always like to give myself a little

bit of padding in these sections to give


room to work with and then

within my container what i'm going to do

is i'm going to bring another heading

now this heading is going to be my h2

because it's obviously not the main idea

but i'm still going to blow this up to a

reasonable size and you'll notice that

it automatically gave

me a class of hitting three which

doesn't make a whole lot of sense so

what i'm actually going to do

is i'm going to call this my form

uh section heading so my form section

heading and what i'm going to do

is put contact us today

okay now i'm also going to want to bring


some text and actually what i could do

is i could copy and paste this white

text from up here

and one thing you can do is it's it's

already got a class but i could

add a secondary class to get more


uh titled black and then i can change

this to black without losing

any of my design i'm gonna give a

little bit of margin beneath this header

down here

maybe 30 pixels now we've got our

contact us today

i want there to be a little bit of

contrast between these two sections and

so i'm actually going to give this

a background of a gradient but i'm

actually going to give it just a

very slight gray

just like that and then on this end i

actually want

it to go a little bit just a hint of red

and i'm going to align that this way

and the next thing that i'm going to do

is i am going to add a

contact form and so i drag and drop the

contact form in here

and obviously it's automatically going

to style this and just make it fit our

column and so the first thing that i

want to do is i can actually select this

blue and i want to go to

the main block of the form which is the

form block

and the first thing i'm going to do is

sit and set a max

width of 400 pixels and that is going to

limit the size of our contact form okay

now i want these text fields to be a

little bit bigger and more friendly so

i'm going to set

a height of 60 pixels

and a height actually you know what i'll

do is i will just

share this class of text field in here

and do that so we've got our name and

email i actually want to add

a phone number field so i can do a lot

of copy and pasting

add in my phone number field i'm going

to double click that and just

verify that this is the phone and i can

click that this is a phone field

and we're getting closer to having our

form i actually want to make this

button full width so i'm going to click

on it i'm going to change the width to

100 percent

i'm going to give it a little more

padding in there and i want this button

to be a

nice deep blue

i'm going to increase the font size on

that button

and double click to change the message

to send message

all right so what i want to do is i want

to add a little bit more style to these

so the last thing that i'm going to do

and this might be a little bit extra but

i'm actually going to remove the

background color and make that

completely opaque i'm going to come down


and i want to remove the borders

and i'm going to give this one bottom


i'm going to blow this up to 3

pixel width and just like that our form

is a little bit

fancy with just those bottom lines okay

now i'm not really liking these field

labels so i'm actually going to get rid

of these

field labels and what i can do is i can

actually double click on these

forms and in my placeholder i can have

there be

a placeholder so i don't need a title so

i'm going to put

bone for this one name for that one and

email for this one

and then what i can do is i can blow up

this font size

and i'm going to make that bold

and just like that i have kind of a

fancy form now if i click my preview you

can see the way this works

when i click on it i can still input

these forms

and just like that i have my fancy form

that i can submit

so going back the last thing that i want

to do is i want to make all this

centered and so i'm going to go back to

my container and i'm going to name this

center container and then i'm going to

go to my flex

vertical right smack dab in the middle

now you notice that that kind of

squishes my

form in the middle so what i want to do

is i want to click my form

make sure that i grab my form block

which is the main

like the biggest box of my form i'm

going to select that and i have a max

width of 400 pixels

but i want to make sure that it's at

least 350 pixels and so what i'm going

to do is just set the

the width to 350 pixels that's going to

make it a little bit bigger

and then of course i want a little bit


margin on the top to give me some space

and just like that we have our contact

us form okay

and so just a couple like really basic

things that we've gone through really

are giving you all the tools that you


to plug things in and start building a

website if there are things that you


understand with webflow the best part is

is you can just start clicking around

and see how different settings change

different elements right and so

it doesn't matter which of these

elements you're adding to

your project you're always going to be


your classes to set a standard for the

design that they are going to take

and then you're going to be able to

adjust your layout your display

and then you've just got all the size

position typography background

all these are very self-explanatory to

get you to the point

where you have a design that has

everything that you want

and it is completely custom everywhere


the desktop version down to the mobile

version you're going to be able to build

out the site of your dreams okay

so with that we have covered basically

everything that you're going to need to

know to dive into web flow start

designing a site

obviously like anything it's going to

take some practice especially if you

want to get to the point where you're

building like

knockout websites you're going to have

to put some time into practice and so

what i would suggest you do is

dive in spend some time just seeing how

things work

seeing how different tools and different

settings change the layout of

the different elements and before you

know it you are going to be able to

see or think of a design jump into

webflow and just

knock it out and create it in in a

matter of minutes

okay so if you have any questions after

this tutorial make sure you comment them

down below i'd be happy to help you out

but the last thing that i would say is i


designed websites in so many different

website builders from wix

to wordpress to squarespace and

without a doubt webflow is the most


and easiest to use yes there is a little

bit of a learning curve but if you truly

want to build incredible

responsive websites and have complete

control over the design and the

performance of your site

there is no better place to be than with

web flow and so

if you have any issues getting started

or you run into any roadblocks

webflow offers so many free courses and

free videos

and they have a an awesome support team

they have

an incredible facebook group the the

global web flow group that you can

join and you've got nearly 10 000 people

that are ready and willing to help you

out if you're interested

i also have a facebook group

that is called seo and webflow and that

is actually

a group specifically for

those that want to learn how to get

their webflow sites built and get them

to rank on google so if you're

interested in that

there will also be a link down below but

thank you guys so much for watching

dive in learn webflow it'll change your

life i guarantee it and we'll catch you

guys in the next video

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