What are MOOCs?
MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses or “free online courses” are the reason we launched Cousenvy! We have partnered with top experts and universities around the world to provide you with these free online courses (MOOCs!) Why are higher education institutions giving away courses for free you ask? This technology delivers lessons to every corner of the world ALL ONLINE, which enables these schools to not only grow their brand awareness, but also increase potential paying students! These MOOCs/free online courses are aimed at large-scale interactive participation!
Browse ALL of our online courses and MOOCs at: https://learn.coursenvy.com/courses
Browse our MOOCs by category below:
Marketing Courses
What is Social Media Marketing — Northwestern University
Social Media Marketing Specialization — Northwestern University
Programming Courses
School of Online Coding Courses — 100+ FREE Online Programming Courses, Machine Learning Courses, Artificial Intelligence Courses, Data Science Courses, Website Development Courses, Software Development Courses, Autonomous Courses and MORE!