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How to Get Reviews on Amazon

Our readers email us often asking questions like, “how to get Amazon reviews legally?” or “what’s the best way to get Amazon reviews?” or “how to get reviews on Amazon?” Amazon’s algorithm favors products with higher reviews and higher sales. Students taking our Amazon Seller Mastery course know how to get Amazon reviews and spike sales! So if you aren’t already a student, let me let you in our little secret for getting endless 5-star reviews on our Amazon product listings!

How to Get More Reviews on Your Amazon Private Label Listings

First of all, you should never launch a product on Amazon without having a list of potential customers. Even if that is a SMALL list of friends and family! Why a list of customers is crucial when you launch a new private label product listing on Amazon is because your new product will have ZERO reviews and a low ranking BSR (Best Seller Rank) because of no sales yet. So at minimum, I want at least one sale per day for the first week when I launch a product (if you can afford to sell more at a discount, the better)!

So once you create and launch your product listing on Amazon, create a SALES PRICE on the “Offers” tab of the Amazon product listing page. Set this sales price as low as you are comfortable setting it (typically $6-$10 is what I do — this keeps the Amazon Prime products at 2-day shipping and above the “ADD-ON” only price). Then email the product listing to your family and friends in a strategic way so they all don’t purchase it on the same day (i.e. email the link to 1-2 people per day). You want to spread out the sales evenly over 1-2 weeks to spike the BSR! Finally, make sure to mention how important reviews are for your products (without flat out asking them for a review which is against the Amazon TOS… but wink wink, they are family… I TELL THEM, “Hey, here is the link to my XYZ discounted product for TODAY ONLY. Buy it, then leave me a review at this link once you receive the product. Thanks!”)

Avoid Friends & Family to Get Reviews on Amazon

If you don’t want to bother your friends and family (which trust me, will get old after you launch a few products on Amazon), use my FAVORITE software for getting Amazon reviews legally! And get a FREE trial with our special link (*disclaimer, affiliate link):

JungleScout enables Amazon sellers to distribute deals and coupons for their products! With JungleScout I can avoid bothering my friends for reviews. I simply log on to JungleScout, create my Amazon listing promotion, then sit back and let their MASSIVE source of active bargain hunters buy up my deals… therefore spiking my BSR and reviews!

Running discounted deals is hands down the #1 way to quickly generate more sales on Amazon. Thus, leading to higher ranking in Amazon search results, more reviews, more sales… WIN WIN WIN!

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